Month: September 2024

  • WOD September 13, 2018 (Thursday)

    Warm-up: Turkish Get Up Turkish Get Up (5×1) EMOM: Cleans Clean (10 EMOM 3 Cleans @75%) WOD: 4 Rounds for Time 100 M Farmers Carry Mixed Weight 20 DU 10 Front Squat 85/115, 105/135

    Read More: WOD September 13, 2018 (Thursday)
  • WOD September 12, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Weightlifting: Press Complex 5 x 2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk @ 75-85% of your 1 rep max WOD: 5 Rounds for Time 12 Deadlifts at 105/155 9 Hang Cleans 6 Shoulder to Overhead 400 M Run after each round

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  • 9-11: We Will Not Forget

    We will not Forget the 2,977 people killed in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center site, near Shanksville, Pa., and at the Pentagon, as well as the six people killed in the World Trade Center bombing in February 1993. “If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn…

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  • WOD September 11, 2018 (Tuesday)

    9-11: Never Forget Gymnastics: Muscle-Ups (5×3) attempts of rx, scaled, seated, supported Weightlifting: Back Squats (5, 3, 1) 5@75% 3@85% 1@90% WOD: Cindy or Mary RX: Cindy – 20-Minute AMRAP 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats RX+: Mary 20-Minute AMRAP 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 Pistols (5-L / 5-R) 15 Pull-ups

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  • WOD September 10, 2018 (Monday)

    Warm-up: Max Height Box Jump Max Height Box Jump (Distance) Weightlifting:Clean 7 x 2 hang clean + 1 clean @ 80% of your 1 rep max WOD: 4 Rounds for Time 5 Snatches 75/115, 95/135 10 box jump 20/24, 24/30 15 WB 14/20, 20/30

    Read More: WOD September 10, 2018 (Monday)
  • September 8, 2018 – Annual Picnic

    Save the Date! September 8, 2018, get ready to have some fun in the sun for our Annual One World Picnic! Veterans Park 4525 Dyer Street Union City Time: 11:30am to 5:00pm Bring a dish or a drink to share!!

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  • WOD September 7, 2018 (Friday)

    Warm-up: Ring Dips (5, 10, or 15) Work on dip technique and strength. Depending on ability build up to a set of 5, 10, or 15. Weightlifting: Front Squat 5×5 @ 75%+ Front Squats WOD: E4MOM 500 meter row 10 deadlift 155/205 5 ring dips

    Read More: WOD September 7, 2018 (Friday)
  • WOD September 6, 2018 (Thursday)

    Warm-up: Shoulder and hip mobility Weightlifting: Hang Snatch 6 x 2 @ 70%+ Hang Snatch WOD: For Time 800 meter run 50 Push Ups 50 Weighted Sit Ups (45/25) 800 meter run

    Read More: WOD September 6, 2018 (Thursday)
  • WOD September 5, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Capacity: Row 5x250M row, 1:1 rest Weightlifting: Press Complex 5 x 2 Strict Press + 2 Push Press @ 75-85% WOD: 5 Rounds for Time 10 Thrusters 65/95 15 KBS 35/53

    Read More: WOD September 5, 2018 (Wednesday)
  • WOD September 4, 2018 (Tuesday)

    Warm-up: Tabata Double-Unders (Tabata) Weightlifting: Back Squat (3 x 3 @ 80-90%) WOD: EMOM for 20 Minutes of Even: 30 Double Unders Odd:10 OHS 55/75

    Read More: WOD September 4, 2018 (Tuesday)


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