Month: September 2024


    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (Time) TEAM HALLOWEEN For Time (with a Partner) 75 Lateral Pumpkin Jumps 50 Pumpkin Push Presses* 100 Pumpkin Goblet Squats* 50 Pumpkin Box Jumps* (20 in) 75 Pumpkin Squat Cleans* * 5 burpee penalty (both partners) each time the “pumpkin” touches the ground Use a medicine ball (20/14 lb)…

  • Oct 28th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional WARM UP 2 Rounds (10 Mins) :30 on / :30 off – Mountain Climbers Back Squat (90 Sec for 10 Set (15 Min) 5 Back Squat @ Body Wei) Jack Skellington (Time) For Time: 10-31-10-31 reps of: Wall Balls (20/14 lb) Toes-to-Bars MedBall Ball Facing Burpees After each…

    Read More: Oct 28th
  • Oct 28th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Up 3 Round 20on/ :10off Hollow Rocks Arch Rocks Rest 1:00 then 6 MIN AMRAP 6 Burpees 12 Reverse Crunches with a Twist (6 each) 18 Alternating Tuck Up (9 each) Strength 12 Min E2MOM 4 Clean Pulls 3 Hang Power Cleans 2 Jerks @85% Clean Pull…

    Read More: Oct 28th
  • Oct 27th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Up 2 Rounds :40 on / :20 off on each exercise – Flutter Kicks – Planch Press – Tap Crunches – Floor Thrusters with Knee Push-Up – Hollow to Arch Roll Weightlifting 10 Min EMOM Odds Evens Odd: 5 Pull Ups / Ring Row / Best Pulling…

    Read More: Oct 27th
  • Oct. 26th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Up 3 Rounds 30 on/:15 off – Rotating Planks – Sit-Up Slides – Crossbody Mountain Climbers – Sit Ups Skill Work 12 Min EMOM Odd: 1 Rope Climb / Work On getting familiar with technique Even: 5-7 Rep Handstand Push / Strict HSPU / Progression Rope Climb…

    Read More: Oct. 26th
  • Oct 25th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Ups 9 MIn AMRAP – 10 Burpees – 10 V-Ups – 10 Plank Walkouts – 10 Reach Thrus (each side Weightlifting 12 MIn E2MOM 2 Hang Power Snatch 2 Over Head Squat 2 Snatches @80% 1 RM Snatch Hang Power Snatch Overhead Squat Snatch Metcon Level –…

    Read More: Oct 25th
  • Oct 24th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength 10 Min E2MOM Deadlift Set 1- 65% – 70% 5 Reps Set 2 70% – 75% 5 Rep Set 3 75% – 80% 5Rep Set 4 80% – 85 % 4 Rep Set 5 Same as Set 4 Record Last Sets at Wodify Deadlift Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds…

    Read More: Oct 24th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit SEEDY (Time) For Time (with a Partner) 7 rounds of ‘Cindy’ 2 rounds of ‘DT’ (155/105) 6 rounds of ‘Cindy’ 2 rounds of ‘DT’ 5 rounds of ‘Cindy’ 2 rounds of ‘DT’ 4 rounds of ‘Cindy’ 2 rounds of ‘DT’ 3 rounds of ‘Cindy’ 2 rounds of ‘DT’ 2 rounds…

  • Oct 22nd

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Ups 9 MIn AMRAP – 10 Burpees – 10 V-Ups – 10 Plank Walkouts – 10 Reach Thrus (each side Strength 10 MIN EMOM Odds/Even Odd: 6 Reps Bent Over Row Even: 6 Push Press @80% Of 1 RM Push Press Bent Over Row Don’t get mix…

    Read More: Oct 22nd
  • Oct 21th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional WARM UP 2 Rounds (10 Mins) :30 on / :30 off – Mountain Climbers – Hollow Hold – Plank Hold – Superman’s – Bent Knee Windshield Wipers Weightlifting 90 Sec for 10 Set (15 Min) 5 Back Squat @ Body Weight Plus 30 Back Squat Metcon Metcon (AMRAP…

    Read More: Oct 21th


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