Month: August 2024

  • CrossFit – Wed, Nov 23

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Back Squat (5×3 E2MOM at 80-85%) Metcon NBW – Tater Tots (Time) For Time: 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 KB Taters (53/35) 2-4-6-8-19-12-14-16-18-20 – Front Rack Reverse Lunges w/KB

    Read More: CrossFit – Wed, Nov 23
  • CrossFit – Tue, Nov 22

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength NBW – Clean and Jerk Complex – Clean deadlift (do not stand all the way up) – Hang power clean – Full clean – Push press (push jerk if cannot hit a push press) – Split jerk Metcon NBW – Jonathan’s Tur-du-ken (Time) For time wrapped in an AMRAP,…

    Read More: CrossFit – Tue, Nov 22
  • CrossFit – Mon, Nov 21

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Overhead Squat (5×5 E2MOM at 75-80%) Metcon NBW – Moe and JP’s Over, Under, and the AB’s out! (Time) For Time: 10-1 – OHS (95/65) – Burpee Box Jumps *10 alt. v-ups after every round*

    Read More: CrossFit – Mon, Nov 21
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and joyous Thanksgiving! ~Happy eating!

    Read More: Happy Thanksgiving!
  • CrossFit – Sun, Nov 20

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Push Press (12 Min E2MOM 5 Push Press @70%-75%) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 5 Handstand Push Up 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull  Rx 95/65 20 Double Unders 25 Abmat Sit Up

    Read More: CrossFit – Sun, Nov 20
  • CrossFit – Sat, Nov 19

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (No Measure) Team of 3 21 Min E3MOM (7 Rounds) 20 Wallball Rx 14/10 15 Overhead Squat Rx45/35 10 Burpee Team Must Complete each movement and will stagger start. For example. Partner A – Wallball Partner B – OHS Partner C – Burpee If team does not complete the reps within the given time…

    Read More: CrossFit – Sat, Nov 19
  • CrossFit – Fri, Nov 18

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Pause Back Squat (5×4 E2MOM at 70-75% of 1 RM) 3 second pause at the bottom of the squat for each rep. Metcon NBW – Jam Those Legs (Time) 3 Rounds For Time: – 10 Power Snatch (95/65) – 20 Front Squats – 300m Run

    Read More: CrossFit – Fri, Nov 18
  • CrossFit – Thu, Nov 17

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Push Press (5×3 E2MOM at 80-85% or 1 RM) Metcon NBW – Mighty Thor (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 18 Min AMRAP: – 5 Goddess Makers (35/25) – 10 Box Jump Overs – 15 Double DB Snatch 1 Goddess Maker is: – Push Up – DB Row – DB…

    Read More: CrossFit – Thu, Nov 17
  • CrossFit – Wed, Nov 16

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength NBW – Snatch Complex (E2MOM x 5 at 75-80%) – Snatch Deadlift (Do not stand all the way up) – Hang Power Snatch – Drop Snatch or Snatch Balance – Full Snatch Metcon NBW – Busted Can of Biscuits (Time) 4 Rounds For Time: – 5 Busters (50/35) –…

    Read More: CrossFit – Wed, Nov 16
  • CrossFit – Tue, Nov 15

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Front Squat (5×5 E2MOM at 75-80%) If cannot hit 5 reps for all 5 sets, try for 4 reps. Metcon NBW – My Hips Don’t Lie, They Just Die (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 Min AMRAP: – 400m Run – 30 KBS (50/35) – 30 Deadlifts (135/95)

    Read More: CrossFit – Tue, Nov 15


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  • CrossFit – Sat, Sep 21

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Fran (Time) 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Pull-ups ♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb Rest 10 minutes 231101 (No Measure) For time: 21-15-9 Box jumps 12-9-6 Clean and jerks ♀ 24-in box, 125-lb clean and jerks ♂ 30-in box, 185-lb clean and jerks

  • CrossFit – Fri, Sep 20

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Clean (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Clean 3 Front Squat @ 45 % of 1 RM Power Clean Increase Weight by 5 every set) Front Squat Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 20 DB Step up 15 DB Hang Power Clean 10 DB Shoulder to…



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