Month: August 2024

  • Yoga: Justin and his girls

    Justin and his girls. We feel so good after yoga, we could carry him like this and do a 400 meter run. Namaste!

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  • Welcome Coach Jennifer

    I’d like to welcome Jennifer Bearse to the One World Coaching Staff. Jennifer will be coaching the evening classes on Wednesdays. She will also be joining us Saturday mornings for the 10am Competition Class. After talking with Jennifer, taking her class, and working out with her at One World, I definitely feel like she’ll be…

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  • Olympic Weightlifting August 9, 2014 (Saturday)

    What’s up One Worlders! Please save the date, this Weight Lifting seminar will benefit YOU!!! CrossFit One World, Saturday August 9th, 10am – 3pm Former Olympic Lifter and Powerlifting Champion Max Aita (pictured here, squatting 705lbs) is coming to One World.Come and learn from one of the best coaches around. With over 10 years experience…

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  • Yoga Schedule August 10, 2014

    Good evening! Just a quick reminder that there will be 2 yoga classes this Sunday. 8am-9am and 9:30am-10:30am. I believe coach Manny will be back next week to resume our regular schedule. I will be taking any ideas for time schedules during the week for Yoga as we continue to build and improve our facility.…

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  • Bootcamp August 8, 2014 (Friday)

    After the 5:30am class, Victoria aka Mom, put in a little extra work on the concept2 rower!

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  • WOD August 8, 2014 (Friday)

    What’s up everyone! I’m posting tomorrow’s workout early. My focus is to see if it will help you better prepare yourself. Lately I’ve posted the workouts between 9 and 9:45pm, I know most of you are paying more attention to your family by then, so don’t have much time to get your workout plan/gear together…

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  • Bootcamp August 7, 2014 (Thursday)

    This is a picture of the 6:30pm class but the message behind the picture, goes out to #everyone that participated in yesterday’s workout. YOU GUYS MADE ME PROUD!!!!! 

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  • WOD August 7, 2014 (Thursday)

    I’m super happy with everyone’s work today. I’m hoping all of you take full advantage of tomorrow’s rest day. If you absolutely have to workout, be sure to focus on something that you are NOT good at. Most of you struggle with double-unders, a lot of you struggle with the handstand progression and some of…

    Read More: WOD August 7, 2014 (Thursday)
  • Yoga: Inner Most Heart

    Ashtavakra Gita 18.4:  How can one who’s innermost heart has been scorched by the sun of sorrow that comes from duty be happy until the sweet rain of torrential stillness? Namaste  

    Read More: Yoga: Inner Most Heart
  • Gymnastics: Take the time to stretch after a WOD

    A lot of us finish a WOD in a puddle of sweat, get up, towel off, and go about life. Please take the time to do light stretching and mobility movements when you finish a WOD. If you took just 5 minutes after a WOD to do a head to toe easy stretching regiment, your…

    Read More: Gymnastics: Take the time to stretch after a WOD


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