Month: August 2024

  • WOD December 30, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Start at 60% of your 1 rep max jerk. Complete the following cycle 7x, add weight each set. 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk and then… Complete 3 rounds for time: 30 Burpees21 KB Swings12 Pull Ups 70/53 – 53/35 – 44/26 *18 Minute Cap*  

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  • WOD December 29, 2014 (Monday)

    100 Back Squats1 Mile Run Men – 225, 205, 185, 165Women – 185, 165, 145, 125 *Cap is 40 Minutes! You must warm up to the weight that you will use for your 100 back squats. Warm up sets do not count towards your work sets, please choose your weight wisely and break up your…

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  • Boot Camp December 26, 2014 (Saturday)

    Don’t forget that tomorrow is “bring a friend” day! Class will start at 7:00am sharp. I can’t promise that your friend will like you after class, lol, but they will love the experience. Saturdays have been very crowded and the energy has been pretty amazing, let’s keep the train rolling. Please make sure your friends…

    Read More: Boot Camp December 26, 2014 (Saturday)
  • Boot Camp December 26, 2014 (Friday)

    Hints for tomorrow’s class… See you soon!

    Read More: Boot Camp December 26, 2014 (Friday)
  • WOD December 26, 2014 (Friday)

    Power Snatch 3/3/3/3/3/3/3 *Start at 70% of your 1 rep max (full snatch), add weight each set. Complete 3 rounds for time:400m Run30 Box Jumps (24/20)30 Wall Balls (20/14)

    Read More: WOD December 26, 2014 (Friday)
  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas! Enjoy the beautiful day with your loved ones!

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  • One World Christmas Party

    LETS PARTY! What: One World Holiday/Christmas Party When: Saturday, December 13, 2014 Time: 6:30PM Where: 33415 Western Ave, Union City Who: You and your children, parents, husband/wife, family & friends Why: Because Santa Claus will be there…duhhhhhhhh! Bring: A white elephant gift and a dish to share Sign up: at the front counter!

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  • WOD December 23, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Complete for time: 200 Burpees and then… Find a 1 Rep Max Thruster Complete for time: 100 Double Unders

    Read More: WOD December 23, 2014 (Wednesday)
  • WOD December 23, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Establish a “5 Rep Max” Deadlift *During reps 1 through 5 yours hands must never leave the bar. Try to complete each lift without resting too long at the bottom. and then… Complete for time:1000 Meter Row40 KB or DB Snatch750 Meter Row30 KB or DB Snatch500 Meter Row20 KB or DB Snatch

    Read More: WOD December 23, 2014 (Tuesday)
  • Crossfit Holiday Schedule

    Here’s the Holiday Schedule… Monday, December 22, 2014 – Regular Schedule CrossFitTuesday, December 23, 2014 – Regular Schedule CrossFit Wednesday, December 24, 2014 – Christmas Eve6:30am Regular Schedule11:00am Gymnastics 12:00pm Regular Schedule 4:00pm and 5:00pm – No Class6:00pm and 7:00pm – No Class Thursday, December 25, 2014 – Christmas DayGym Closed Friday, December 26, 2014…

    Read More: Crossfit Holiday Schedule


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