Month: August 2024

  • WOD April 16,2019 (Tuesday)

    Skill Work: 5xEMOM 5-7 Ring Dips *Add weight as needed Weightlifting: Push Jerk Push Jerk + Split Jerk 6 x E2MOM 2+2 @ 70% 2+2 @ 70% 2+2 @ 70% 2+2 @ 75% 2+2 @ 75% 2+2 @ 80% WOD: As a team of 2 800M Run Together 70 Goblet Squats 60 Burpees 50 American…

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  • WOD April 15, 2019 (Monday)

    Warm-up: 3 Rounds 10 Good Mornings 10 Kosak Squats 5 Inch Worms Weightlifting: Deadlift 6 x E2MOM 3 @ 75% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 80% 3 @ 80% 3 @ 85% WOD: 3 RFT 25 American KBS 35/52 25 WB 14/20 50 DU RX+ 3 RFT 25 American KBS 50/70 25…

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  • 2019 International Weightlifting Day

    One World Barbell Club is hosting the 2019 International Weightlifting Day, Saturday, April 13, 2019! -And it’s FREE! If you’ve ever considered trying the Olympic lifts now is your chance to lift for FREE during International Weightlifting Day this Saturday, April 13, 2019! Just drop in to One World Barbell Club, a USA Weightlifting-affiliated Club…

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  • WOD April 12, 2019 (Friday)

    Warm-up: 5xEMOM 3 Strict HSPU + 3 Kipping HSPU *Use additional abmats or negatives to build skill *If proficient work on deficit strict hspu Weightlifting: Deadlift 6 x E2MOM 4 @ 70% 4 @ 75% 4 @ 75% 4 @ 80% 4 @ 80% 4 @ 80% WOD: Diane (For Time) 21-15-9 Deadlifts, 225# /…

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  • WOD April 11, 2019 (Thursday)

    Weightlifting: Snatch 8 x E2MOM 1 Snatch Pull +1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS+ 1 Snatch Balance @ 65%+ *Can sub OHS for Snatch Balance based on comfort WOD: 3 Rounds for time 500M Row 30 Box Jumps 20/24 Rest :30 30 DBx2 S2OH 35/50 Rest :30 30 DBx2 FR Lunges Rest :30 3 Rounds…

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  • WOD April 10, 2019 (Wednesday)

    Warm-up: Every :30 in 2 Min intervals for 3 Rounds 1:Hollow Hold 2:Hollow Rock 3:V-Ups 4:Rest Weightlifting: Back Squat 6 x E2MOM 4 @ 50% 4 @ 60% 4 @ 75% 2 @ 85% 2 @ 85% 2 @ 85% WOD: 25-20-15-5 KBx2 Thrusters 35/50 T2B

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  • WOD April 9, 2019 (Tuesday)

    Skill Work: 3×10 Partner Glute Ham Raise Weightlifting: Bench Press 6 x E2MOM 3 @ 65% 3 @ 70% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 80% Sets 1-5: 4 sec negative, 1 sec hold, explode out of bottom of rep WOD: 3 x E4MOM 400 M Run 15 Lateral Burpees…

    Read More: WOD April 9, 2019 (Tuesday)
  • WOD April 8, 2019 (Monday)

    Skill Work: 7xEMOM 5 Strict Pull Ups Weightlifting: Clean and Jerk 8 x E2MOM 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean Below Knee +1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @70%+ WOD: 15 MIN AMRAP: 5, 10, 15, 20… Hang Power Clean 95/135 Pull Ups Rx+ 15 MIN AMRAP: 5, 10, 15, 20… Hang Power Clean…

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  • WOD April 5, 2019 (Friday)

    Weightlifting: Snatch 8 x E2MOM 1 Snatch Pull +1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS+ 1 Snatch Balance @ 60%+ *Can sub OHS for Snatch Balance based on comfort WOD: Two components in today’s workout – Karen then 1 mile run. Karen (For Time) 150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# Rest 5 min after, then… 1-Mile…

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  • WOD April 4, 2019 (Thursday)

    Skill Work: Tabata Ring Dips 3-5 Ring Dips *Work on kipping technique Weightlifting: Clean 8 x E2MOM 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean Below Knee +1 Power Clean @ 70%+ WOD: 3 RFT 500M Row 14 Alt DB Snatches 35/50 500M Row 14 DBx1 OHS (7R/7L) Rx+ 3 RFT 500M Row 14 Alt DB Snatches…

    Read More: WOD April 4, 2019 (Thursday)


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  • CrossFit – Wed, Sep 25

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Back Rack Reverse Lunges (12 Min E2MOM 8 Reps Total (4 Left 4 Right) @ 60 % of Bodyweight Increase Weight by 5 every set) Flatliner (6 Rounds for reps) 18 Min E3MOM 6 Rounds 10 Box Jump Overs 20 American Kettlebell Swings 50 DU’s *Must do CrossFit standard and…

  • CrossFit – Tue, Sep 24

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Bent Over Row (12 Min E2MOM 10 Bent over row @ 40 % Bodyweight Increase Weight by 5 every set 4 Ring Dips/8 Box Dips (Right After Bent Over Row)) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 14 Min AMRAP 10 DB Snatch 20 Single Arm Overhead Lunges (10 Left /10…



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