Month: August 2024

  • CrossFit – Mon, Nov 14

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Deadlift (5×3 E2MOM at 80-85% or 1 RM) Metcon NBW – Row, Row, Row Your Boat Annie (Time) For Time: 50-40-30-20-10 – DU’s – Sit-Ups 25-20-15-10-5 – Calorie Row RX+: Calorie Bike

    Read More: CrossFit – Mon, Nov 14
  • CrossFit – Sun, Nov 13

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Push Press (2 Min EMOM 4 Push Press 1 Split Jerk or Push Jerk) Push Jerk Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds For Time 10 Thrusters 20 Lateral Hops 10 Font Rack Lunges 20 Lateral Hops RX 95/65

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  • CrossFit – Sat, Nov 12

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Team of 2 21 Min AMRAP Partner A 30/25 Cal Bike (When Done swap with Partner B) Partner B 10 Burpee DB Deadlift 15 DB Push Press 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs ( Partner A Continue where left off) Rx 50/35If No More Bike…

    Read More: CrossFit – Sat, Nov 12
  • CrossFit – Fri, Nov 11

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Overhead Squat (5×5 E2MOM at 65-70%) Metcon NBW – Pulling the Devil Out (Time) 10 – 1 – Devil’s Press (35/25) 1 – 10 Pull-Ups RX+: 50/35

    Read More: CrossFit – Fri, Nov 11
  • CrossFit – Thu, Nov 10

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Pause Front Squat (5×4 E2MOM at 65-70%) Front Squat with 3 sec pause the the bottom of the movement. Metcon NBW – Not So Clean Sweep (No Measure) E3MOM x 6 Every 3 minutes for 18 min (6 rounds) perform: – 200m Run – 5 Power Cleans (135/95) –…

    Read More: CrossFit – Thu, Nov 10
  • Veterans Day November 11, 2022

    “On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.” ~Dan Lipinski

    Read More: Veterans Day November 11, 2022
  • CrossFit – Wed, Nov 9

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Bench Press (15 min to establish a 3 rep max bench press Coaches: Please allow time for warm up before starting the clock.) Metcon Crossfit Games Open 19.1 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps) Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 19 wall-ball shots 19-cal. row Men…

    Read More: CrossFit – Wed, Nov 9
  • CrossFit – Tue, Nov 8

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Deadlift (5×4 E2MOM at 75-80%) This is getting to a heavier percentage so if you cannot perform all reps with good form, drop to 3 reps. Metcon NBW – Empty Barbell Blitz (Time) For Time: 70 Push Press (45/35) 60 Barbell Box Step Ups (20/18) 50 Push Press 40…

    Read More: CrossFit – Tue, Nov 8
  • CrossFit – Mon, Nov 7

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Back Squat (20 min to establish a 3 rep max back squat Coaches: Please allow time for some warm up before starting the clock.) Welcome to week 6!  We are continuing to test our 3 rep maxes in our power lifts.  Wods should be done on the lighter side…

    Read More: CrossFit – Mon, Nov 7
  • CrossFit – Sun, Nov 6

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Strength Power Snatch (12 Min E2MOM 5 Power Snatch @70%) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 20 Overhead Sit up 15 Cal Row 10 American KB Swings 5 Single Arm KB Over Head Squat Rx 53/35 Rx+ 70/53

    Read More: CrossFit – Sun, Nov 6


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    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Deadlift (12 Min E2MOM 5 Rep Deadlift @ 70% 1 Rm Dead) Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds For Time 10 Deadlift 15 DB Push Press 200 m Run Rx Bar 225/155 DB 50/35

  • CrossFit – Sat, Sep 21

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Fran (Time) 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Pull-ups ♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb Rest 10 minutes 231101 (No Measure) For time: 21-15-9 Box jumps 12-9-6 Clean and jerks ♀ 24-in box, 125-lb clean and jerks ♂ 30-in box, 185-lb clean and jerks

  • CrossFit – Fri, Sep 20

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Clean (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Clean 3 Front Squat @ 45 % of 1 RM Power Clean Increase Weight by 5 every set) Front Squat Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 20 DB Step up 15 DB Hang Power Clean 10 DB Shoulder to…



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