Month: August 2024

  • Cathy’s Heart Walk 2014-2015

    Hey EVERYONE! It’s time to show a little love and support to one of our most dedicated Boot Campers! Cathy Sarabia (5:30am crew) is raising money for the American Heart Association’s “HEART WALK”. I think all of us have been touched by a loved one’s heart/cardiovascular disease, so let’s do our part in raising some…

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  • Olympic Weightlifting with Coach Max

    UPDATE **VERY IMPORTANT INFO** Olympic Weightlifting Coach Max Aita will be coaching Sundays for six weeks. The “6” week program starts tomorrow, August 24, 2014. Drop in fee is $25. Non-drop in fee is $120 for the 6 week program.  Sunday’s lifting sessions will be from 9:30-11:30.   

    Read More: Olympic Weightlifting with Coach Max
  • WOD August 14, 2014 (Thursday)

    Good job everyone! Thank you for showing Coach Jennifer some love. Get plenty of rest tomorrow. August 14, Thursday – Rest Day

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  • WOD August 13, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Keep your eyes on this website. There is always something local that’s probably worth your time if you want to compete for fun and to gain more experience. plenty of rest tonight! Here’s the workout for Wednesday August 13 2014Tier 13 Rep Max DeadliftTabata – Ab Mat Sit Ups*Complete 9-15-21-15-9 reps of:Hang Power Cleans…

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  • Yoga: Awareness

    All knowledge, reciting of scriptures are tools to share. But all in all, just regurgitation. What good is handing ash to the fire? Water to ocean? Dust to the wind? Where lies truth when there is gain and loss? Abide in self and earn your knowledge through the Witness.Ashtavakra Gita 15.10If the body lasts until…

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  • WOD August 12, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Good Job with today’s workout everyone! Here’s the workout for Tuesday, August 12, 2014 Tier 1, 2, and 3In groups of 3 or 4, complete the following 6 rounds of: 5 Bench Press Reps (heavy)5-10-15-20 Shuttle Run A round is complete after each person in your group has completed the 5 bench press reps and…

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    One World Competitors Class!!   If this doesn’t motivate you to pursue and reach, your FULL fitness potential…I don’t know what will! Join me and Coach Jennifer this Saturday, August 16 @ 10am for the One World Competition Class.  I was fortunate enough to compete in this year’s CrossFit Games NorCal Regional Competition.    My team didn’t make…

  • WOD August 11, 2014 (Monday)

    I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! Here’s the workout for Monday, August 11 2014 Tier 1, 2, and 3You have 21 minutes to complete the following: Warm up to 70-75% of your 1RM Front Squat and thenFront Squat 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Strict Pull-Up 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 (band, no band, chest to bar) Here’s an example: 10 Front Squats +…

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  • Bootcamp August 11, 2014 (Monday)

    Here’s a small hint for tomorrow’s workout. Word on the street is…it might be kind of challenging. Bring your A-Game people! Tomorrow is the first day of week 5, let’s turn the intensity up in the last two weeks of this season, starting with tomorrow. It’s going to be a fun day.  

    Read More: Bootcamp August 11, 2014 (Monday)
  • Yoga: Justin and his girls

    Justin and his girls. We feel so good after yoga, we could carry him like this and do a 400 meter run. Namaste!

    Read More: Yoga: Justin and his girls


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