Month: August 2024

  • WOD October 15, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Wednesday October 15 2014 Back Squat3×5 @ 65% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 70% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 75% of 1rm back squat3×1 @ 80% of 1rm back squat And then… 800m Run80 Air Squats600m Run60 Air Squats400m Run40 Air Squats200m Run20 Air Squats

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  • WOD October 14, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Power Snatch 2/2/2/2/2 Start @ 65%/ add 10-20lbs each set EMOM-10 min (Even) 14 DB Snatch (30-70lbs) (Odd) 10 Burpees *5 Rounds for time: 5 Pull ups 5 Toes to bar  

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  • WOD October 13, 2014 (Monday)

    Monday October 13 2014 Back Squat3×5 @ 65% of 1rm Back Squat2×2 @ 70% of 1rm Back Squat2×2 @ 75% of 1rm Back Squat3×1 @ 80% of 1rm Back Squat and then…Complete the following 10 rounds for time:5 Front Squats100m Sprint (155/115) (135/95) (115/75) *NO RACKS FOR THE FRONT SQUATS*

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  • Crossfit Endurance Trainers Course October 11-12, 2014

    CrossFit Endurance Seminar – Trainer Course October 11-12, 8:00am to 4:00pm 2 Days of training, methodology, lectures and application. *Running *Injury Prevention*Nutrition/Race Fueling *Mobility/Self Myofacial Release Training The Endurance Athlete CrossFit Endurance Programming Register for the course by following this link: Crossfit Endurance Course FAQs: Trainer course: Price: $595Spend two full days with the…

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  • WOD October 11, 2014 (Saturday)

    For Time: 50 Dumbbell Box Jumps 50 Burpee Box Jumps 500m Run 25 Dumbbell Box Jumps 25 Burpee Box Jumps 250m Run and then… In teams of 3 or 4 800m Prowler Push

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  • WOD October 10, 2014 (Friday)

    Clean & Jerk 3×3 @ 70% 3×2 @ 75% 3×1 @ 80% -and then 21-15-9 KB Swings KB High Pulls Jumping lunges (70/53)(53/35)(44/26)

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  • WOD October 9, 2014 (Thursday)

    Bench Press 3/3/3/3/3 *Start @ 60% add weight each set -and then 200M Run 10 Power Snatch 5 Push ups 10 Power Snatch 5 Push ups 10 Power Snatch 5 Push ups 200M Run (95/65)(75/55)(45/35)

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  • Boot Camp Session #7

    Reminder… We Do Not have class Monday October 6 2014. The new session starts Wednesday October 8 2014. Classes are held at 5:30am, 6:00pm, and 8:00pm every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Saturday class is held at 7:00am. See you soon!!!

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  • WOD October 8, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Wednesday October 8 2014 Back Squat3×5 @ 65% of 1rm Back Squat2×2 @ 70% of 1rm Back Squat2×2 @ 75% of 1rm Back Squat3×1 @ 80% of 1rm Back Squat and then… AMRAP – 9 Minutes7 Deadlifts (265/205) (205/145) (145/85)7 Toes to Bar Sit-ups with a plate (15/10) is the scaled version of toes to…

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  • 100714

    WOD October 7, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Tuesday October 7 2014 Strict Press 3/3/3/3/3 Start at 60%, add weight with each set   EMOM – 10 Minutes (even) 200m Run (odd) 5-7 Push Press (135/95) (115/75) (challenge weight) For time… 500 Double Unders or 1500 Singles (12 min cap)

    Read More: WOD October 7, 2014 (Tuesday)


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