Month: August 2024

  • WOD December 10, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Back Squat 4 x 4 @ 65% of your 1rm 2 x 2 @ 70% of your 1rm2 x 2 @ 75% of your 1rm 4 x 1 @ 80% of your 1rm and then… 3 Rounds for time: 15 Body Weight Deadlifts 800m Run

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  • WOD December 9, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Start at 65% of your 1 rep max jerk and complete the following cycle, 7 times. Add weight for each attempt, rest as needed. One cycle = 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk and then… “Cesar’s World”21 Min AMRAP 7 KB Swings (russian)7 Chest To Bar Pull Ups7 Push Ups…

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  • WOD December 8, 2014 (Monday)

    Thanks to everyone that participated in Saturday’s “friends and family” class. Looks like all of you enjoyed yourself and started the day with a legit workout! Credit to coach Myles for running a smooth and enjoyable class…YOU DA MANNNNN! Here’s the workout for Monday December 8 2014 EMOM – 15 Minutes2 Power Cleans + 8…

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  • NorCal Masters January 24 & 25, 2015 (Saturday & Sunday)

    Hey One Worlders! Norcal Masters is on the same weekend as Moxie Madness. Diane Urban and Maria Corvin will be competing in the womens 50+ division. Kelly McEntee will be competing in the womens 40+ division. NorCal Masters 2015 is on January 24 & 25 (Saturday & Sunday). If you are interested in this competition,…

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  • Patriot Games Race

    Hey Oneworlders!  If anyone is interested in this “Grid league” type of competition, please let me know soon. It’s on December 6 2014 in Fresno California. Here are the workouts “The Patriot Games Races” Teams of 8 (4 men/4 women) Race 1: 10 DB shoulder to overhead 75lbs20 HSPU10 Sandbag to bar 18 lbs3 legless rope…

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  • Muscle Up Work December 2014

    It takes a lot of time, strength training, progressions and patience to get a strict muscle up. Some athletes are more than strong enough to do the strict muscle up, but they lack the technique to complete it. Some athletes understand the technique but lack the strength. And then, there are the athletes who can…

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  • Boot Camp December 6, 2014 (Saturday)

    Hello Saturday Morning Boot Campers!My heart tells me that you will fall head over heals in love with tomorrow’s workout…YESSSSSS…since you’ve been so patient and considering of my needs, I’ve decided to let you have some early! Remember, tomorrow’s class will be given by Coach Marlo Carbonel and I absolutely expect you guys to treat…

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  • TEAM WOD December 6, 2014 (Saturday)

    I’d like to wish all of you good luck during tomorrow’s Saturday workout. I’m competing in Fresno but I will definitely be thinking about you and I will glue my eyes to your team scores, once I’m back. Tomorrow’s workout will allow you and your partner to do the best you can with the weight…

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  • WOD December 5, 2014 (Friday)

    Power Clean 5 x 3 @ 70% of your 1rm (full clean) and then… Tabata – Handstand HoldsTabata – Power Cleans (you pick weight)Tabata – Hollow RocksTabata – Double Unders Score is total reps (power cleans, hollow rocks, double unders)

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  • Ahmed aka “Ed”

    Hey Oneworlders! Ahmed aka “Ed” added his Tunisian flag to the box today. If you look closely, he signed it and left a message to OW. Ahmed’s heading back home (Canada). He will be sorely missed. Ed usually works out at the noon class. We’re having a brunch for him on Sunday December 7th at…

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