Month: August 2024

  • WOD July 17, 2015 (Friday)

    Overhead Squat3/3/3 @ 80% of your 1 rep maxComplete for time: 155/11530 Push Press + 30 Toes To Bar20 Push Press + 20 Toes To Bar10 Push Press + 10 Toes To Bar

    Read More: WOD July 17, 2015 (Friday)
  • Congradulations Michelle!

    Congrats to Michelle for making it to the big leagues!

    Read More: Congradulations Michelle!
  • WOD July 16, 2015 (Thursday)

    Bench Press10/8/6/4/2*Add weight each setPull Overs 4 x 8Barbell High Pull 4 x 8 (from the hip)Bicep Curls 4 x 8*Shoulder Mobility

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  • WOD July 15, 2015 (Wednesday)

    Full Snatch1-1-1-1-1 @ 80% of your 1 rep max snatchBack Squat90 Second Max Effort @ 80% of your 1 rep max back squatComplete fore time: 135/951 Full Snatch + 1 Rope Climb2 Full Snatch + 2 Rope Climb3 Full Snatch + 3 Rope Climb4 Full Snatch + 4 Rope Climb*Scaled rope climbs: 3 climbs =…

    Read More: WOD July 15, 2015 (Wednesday)
  • WOD July 14, 2015 (Tuesday)

    800m Run80 Sit Ups600m Run60 Sit Ups400m Run40 Sit Ups200m Run20 Sit Ups

    Read More: WOD July 14, 2015 (Tuesday)
  • WOD July 13, 2015 (Monday)

    EMOM – 10 Minutes1 Full Clean @ 80% of your 1 rep max full cleanEMOM – 5 Minutes3 Front Squats @ 80% of your 1 rep max front squatAMRAP – 5 Minutes6 Pistol Squats6 Burpees

    Read More: WOD July 13, 2015 (Monday)
  • Epic Functional Fitness July 11, 2015 (Saturday)

     Epic Series is back! Crossfitters and Bootcampers had a great time participating in the 2014 Epic Series. Let’s do it again this year! What Is EPIC Series EPIC Series is the first ever functional fitness obstacle course, and it’s followed up by an awesome post party with gear tents, live music, and lots of food…

    Read More: Epic Functional Fitness July 11, 2015 (Saturday)
  • WOD July 11, 2015 (Saturday)

    Mike & Pruth’s Birthday WODTeams of 2 or 3AMRAP – 20 Minutes10 Front Squats 155/1155 Rope Climbs100m Prowler Push (225/185)Rest 3 MinutesAMRAP – 10 Minutes5 Tire Flips20m Bear Crawl

    Read More: WOD July 11, 2015 (Saturday)
  • Food & Health Tips by OW Members July 10, 2015 (Friday)

    Tip by Shery: The hubs just made this patty melt with green peanut butter (as coach Chris calls it). AND Shark Wee is happening too? Nice!  

    Read More: Food & Health Tips by OW Members July 10, 2015 (Friday)
  • WOD July 10, 2015 (Friday)

    Complete for time:25 Hspu50 Burpee Box Overs25 Hspu

    Read More: WOD July 10, 2015 (Friday)


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