Month: August 2024

  • Boot Camp August 14, 2015 (Friday)

    Today’s workout:The 5:30a crew had a total of 13 teams.Team of three1 Mile Plate Carry 45/25300 Wall Balls 20/143000 Meter Row *Each partner carries a plate*Rotate wall balls every 10 reps*Wall Ball must never touch the ground *Rotate rowing every 200 meters

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  • WOD August 14, 2015 (Friday)

    Split Jerk2 x 1 @ 90% of your 1 rep max split jerkOverhead Squat2 x 1 @ 90% of your 1 rep max overhead squatComplete 2 rounds for time:10 HSPU 20 Weighted Pistol Squats 30 Overhead Squats (95/55)

    Read More: WOD August 14, 2015 (Friday)
  • Gymnastics August 12, 2015 (Wednesday)

    Chris has a very busy schedule. He finally got to join the gymnastics class today.  Chris rocked everything I threw at him on the Tumbl Track. The pic is his first try at head spring movement. He rocked the other trys!

    Read More: Gymnastics August 12, 2015 (Wednesday)
  • WOD August 13, 2015 (Thursday)

    800m Run x 6Record your fastest run*Spend the first 15 minutes of class foam rolling and becoming flexible

    Read More: WOD August 13, 2015 (Thursday)
  • Boot Camp August 12, 2015 (Wednesday)

    The mental preparation is most important. Bring the tools that’ll help you finish the job. To the 5:30a Crew, I’m very proud of the people that completed the entire warm up and I definitely respect the effort of everyone else. 4:30 Crew, bring your workday frustration to the gym. Today is a good day for…

    Read More: Boot Camp August 12, 2015 (Wednesday)
  • WOD August 12, 2015 (Wednesday)

    Full Snatch3 x 1 @ 90% of your 1 rep max full snatchComplete for time:25 Overhead Squats (95/65)30 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)35 American Swings (70/53)40 Toes to Bar

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  • WOD August 11, 2015 (Tuesday)

    Bench Press3 x 10*Start your first set of 10 at a challenge weight, add weight each set Pull Overs 4 x 8Tricep Ext 4 x 8DB Flys 4 x 8

    Read More: WOD August 11, 2015 (Tuesday)
  • Boot Camp August 10, 2015 (Monday)

    Got a chance to chill with a few Boot Campers after class this morning. I usually just ‪#‎photobomb‬ their selfies but today I decided to join and even smile.

    Read More: Boot Camp August 10, 2015 (Monday)
  • WOD August 10, 2015 (Monday)

    Full Clean 3 x 1 @ 90% of your 1 rep max full clean Back Squat*Take 10 minutes to establish a 20 rep max Complete 9 rds for time:5 Thrusters (95/65)5 Pull Ups*8 minute cap

    Read More: WOD August 10, 2015 (Monday)
  • Yoga August 9, 2015 (Sunday)

    Mudra (Wikipedia) Sanskrit mudrā, “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”; a symbolic or ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism. While some mudras involve the entire body (like yoga poses), most are performed with the hands and fingers.

    Read More: Yoga August 9, 2015 (Sunday)


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