Month: August 2024

  • Congratulations Team One World!

    Congrats to our One World Team for their outstanding work at the Crossfit AOF “Toys for Tots” Competition! 2015 CrossFit Alpha Omega Competition *Kelly and Lyn went head to head against some very strong male competition. In the end, they banded together and cruised to a very exciting win! If you’re forced to join them……

    Read More: Congratulations Team One World!
  • Fitness Wave NorCal December 2015

    Fitness Wave NorCal is back! Date: Monday December 21, 2015 One World Self-Defense and Fitness33415 Western AveUnion City, California(510) 324-8153 Fitness Wave NorCal is back at One World and there are 16 spots still available! This will be the last date in 2015, to find out if your eating habits are “naughty or nice” Please go…

    Read More: Fitness Wave NorCal December 2015
  • WOD December 18, 2015 (Friday)

    Deadlift 2 x 2 @ 70% of your 1rm  2 x 1 @ 80% of your 1rm  1 x 1 @ 90% of your 1rm Complete for time: 12 Squat Cleans 13 Power Cleans 14 Thrusters  15 Push Press 135/95

    Read More: WOD December 18, 2015 (Friday)
  • WOD December 17, 2015 (Thursday)

    Front Squat 4 x 3 @ 80% of your 1rm Jerk (from rack) 4 x 2 @ 80% of your 1rm Complete for time: 500m Sprint  1 Minute Rest  500m Sprint

    Read More: WOD December 17, 2015 (Thursday)
  • A Note From Coach Marlo

    This past weekend was filled, and having just gotten back from vacay, there is no other way we would have liked to spend it. Saturday we attended the Holiday Party, where we got to hang loose and mingle with the One World Familia. Sunday morning we drove out to Ripon to cheer on our Competitors…

    Read More: A Note From Coach Marlo
  • One World 2016

    Saturday January 2, 2016 Barbells & Bottles – 9am We will have a fun BBQ/Potluck and we will complete the CrossFit Total. The lifts will include: Deadlift Squats Press Followed by a very quick group WOD. Friends & Family are encouraged to come out and give their support. Saturday January 16, 2016 CrossFit Redux is…

    Read More: One World 2016
  • Gymnastics December 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

    The bridge is so simple when we are young and pliable. It’s never too late to work on it. It just takes time and a good coach to make sure you have the proper assistance. Coach Harvey is assisting Christina through this challenging position. 

    Read More: Gymnastics December 16, 2015 (Wednesday)
  • WOD December 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

    EMOM – 5 Minutes  Power Cleans @ 65% of your 1rm AMRAP – 10 Minutes  3 Deadlifts @ 50% of your 1rm  6 Russian Swings (70/53) 9 Pull Ups or 3 Muscle Ups

    Read More: WOD December 16, 2015 (Wednesday)
  • Bootcamp December 15, 2015 (Saturday)

    Christmas celebration at OneWorld Crossfit, Bootcamp, Jujitsu, and Krav Maga!

    Read More: Bootcamp December 15, 2015 (Saturday)
  • WOD December 15, 2015 (Tuesday)

    Full Snatch + Power Snatch  3 attempts @ 85% of your 1rm Complete 4 rounds for time: 10 OHS @ 50% of your 1rm 20 Wall Balls (20/14) 30 Double Unders

    Read More: WOD December 15, 2015 (Tuesday)


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  • CrossFit – Sat, Sep 21

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Fran (Time) 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Pull-ups ♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb Rest 10 minutes 231101 (No Measure) For time: 21-15-9 Box jumps 12-9-6 Clean and jerks ♀ 24-in box, 125-lb clean and jerks ♂ 30-in box, 185-lb clean and jerks

  • CrossFit – Fri, Sep 20

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Clean (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Clean 3 Front Squat @ 45 % of 1 RM Power Clean Increase Weight by 5 every set) Front Squat Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 20 DB Step up 15 DB Hang Power Clean 10 DB Shoulder to…

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