Month: August 2024

  • WOD January 15, 2016 (Friday)

    Snatch Pulls4 x 5 @ 80% of your 1rm full snatch Complete for time:30 Full Snatch (155/105)*Two consecutive missed lifts = go down in weight. No negotiating

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  • WOD January 14, 2016 (Thursday)

    3 x 8 Single Leg Deadlift3 x 8 KB Split Squat3 x 8 Seated Good Morning5 x 6 Bicep Curls

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  • WOD January 13, 2016 (Wednesday)

    Full Clean5 x 1 @ 80% of your 1rm Clean Back Squat – 10 Minute Clock1 x 3 @ 75%1 x 5 @ 70% Complete 21-15-9 for timeFront SquatsSDLHP(135/95)

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  • WOD January 12, 2016 (Tuesday)

    Power Snatch + Full SnatchSet 1 – 1 + 1 @ 85%Set 2 – 2 + 2 @ 80%Set 3 – 3 + 3 @ 75% Front Squat – 10 Minute Clock3 x 4 @ 75% AMRAP – 7 Minutes7 Push Press100m Sprint1 Rope Climb(165/115)

    Read More: WOD January 12, 2016 (Tuesday)
  • Bootcamp January 11, 2016 (Monday)

    8pm was intense! Nine teams of 4, put in a lot of work tonight! Sky IS the limit!

    Read More: Bootcamp January 11, 2016 (Monday)
  • WOD January 11, 2016 (Monday)

    1 Full Clean + 2 Front Squats + 3 Thrusters @ 70% of your 1rm C/J Back Squat – 10 Minute Clock1 x 1 @ 90%1 x 5 @ 75% Complete for time: 8 Min Cap1 Deadlift @ 85%20 Pull Ups1 Deadlift20 Push Ups1 Deadlift20 HSPU1 Deadlift20 Chest To Bar1 Deadlift

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  • SacTown ThrowDown 2016

      SacTown Throwdown    Hey One Worlders! Aquila Fitness and Good Times Event have partnered up to bring back the SacTown Throwdown with have a new format and a new venue!  This years event will be team race-style.  Events will be relatively short, highly teamwork and transition oriented at a blistering pace.  The Throwdown will be…

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  • WOD January 8, 2016 (Friday)

    AMRAP – 6 Minutes Toes To Bar -rest 3 minutes-Complete for time:21 Barbell High Pulls21 Calorie Row15 Barbell High Pulls15 Full Snatch9 Barbell High Pulls9 Rope Climbs(135/95)

    Read More: WOD January 8, 2016 (Friday)
  • WOD January 7, 2016 (Thursday)

    EMOM – 24 Minutes Minute 1 – 200m SprintMinute 2 – 20 Alt Pistol SquatsMinute 3 – 3 Deadlifts @ 70%

    Read More: WOD January 7, 2016 (Thursday)
  • Bootcamp January 6, 2016 (Wednesday)

    8pm on a Humpday & looking strong!

    Read More: Bootcamp January 6, 2016 (Wednesday)


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