Month: August 2024

  • WOD July 25, 2017 (Tuesday)

    Skill Work: Weighted Pull-Ups EMOM 6 minutes, 4 weighted pull ups Weightlifting: Bench Press E3MOM 12 minutes, 3 Bench Press start @ 85% 1RM -go for new 3RM! WOD: 3 Rounds with 1 minute at each station: 1 Minute Calorie Row 1 Minute Box Step Ups 24/16kg KB Goblet Style Hold 1 Minute Toes to…

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  • WOD July 24, 2017 (Monday)

    Skill Work: Plate Pinch Walks Tabata: Plate Pinch walks across gym floor 25/15 on each hand Weightlifting: Overhead Squats E3MOM 12 minutes 3 OHS at 85% of 1rm OHS -go for new 3RM WOD: AMRAP 12 minutes of 3, 6, 9, 12…. Power Snatch 95/65 Burpee Pull Ups Lateral Bar Hops  

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  • Come show your support! Triples Series July 22, 2017 (Saturday)

    This weekend we have 7 teams competing at the Battle On The Bay Triples Series at Alameda Crossfit. If you haven’t signed up to compete grab your One World gear and come out and show some support. We have male and female teams competing in the RX and Scaled Divisions. Competition starts at 8:00am!

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  • Firearms Training Courses

    Krav Maga Coach Rick and the Black Knight Training Group will be holding several Firearms Training Courses for anyone interested in handgun safety and fundamentals. Black Knight Training Group Instructors are former military and law enforcement officers with decades of knowledge and experience in Defensive and Tactical Handgun Training. 2017 Firearms Training Courses Carbine Rifle…

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  • BODY SPEC July 22, 2017 (Saturday)

    BODY SPEC is back! On July 22, 2017, BODY SPEC will be at One World Self Defense and Fitness. In a 10 minute scan, learn more about your body than you’ve ever known. The DXA Body Scan measures your fat tissue, lean tissue, bone density, and produces data more accurate than any other body fat…

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  • WOD July 21, 2017 (Friday)

    Skills: Tabata L-sit or plank hold Weightlifting: Back Squat E2MOM 8 Mins of 3 Back squats at 85% Work up to your 85% for your working sets in this e2mom, it should be challenging!   WOD: CrossFit Games Open 14.3 8-Minute AMRAP of : 10 Deadlifts, 135# / 95# 15 Box Jumps, 24″ / 20″…

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  • WOD July 20, 2017 (Thursday)

    Skills: Muscle-ups EMOM in 6 mins of 1 ring muscle and then 2 bar muscle ups Weightlifting: Power Snatch EMOM 10 mins 1 Power Snatch and then 1 Hang Power Snatch from the knees. Work at around 70-75% of 1 rm power snatch   WOD: AMRAP 16 minutes of 300 meter run 10 dumbbell power…

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  • WOD July 19, 2017 (Wednesday)

    Skills: Strict Pull ups & Toes-To-Bar EMOM for 7 mins of 4 strict pull ups and then 4 strict toes-to-bar   Weightlifting: Snatch Grip Deadlift E2MOM 12 Mins of 2 Snatch Grip DL at 105%-110% 1rm   WOD: AMRAP in 8 minutes 5 power cleans 185/135, rx+:205/145 15 jumping lunges The power cleans will tax…

    Read More: WOD July 19, 2017 (Wednesday)
  • WOD July 18, 2017 (Tuesday)

    Skills: Pistols EMOM for 6 mins of 8 alternating pistols   Weightlifting:Bench Press E2MOM 14 MINS 2 BENCH PRESS AT 80%   WOD: Fran (For Time) 21-15-9 of: Thrusters, 95# / 65# Pull-ups Time cap: 15 mins We haven’t done the dreaded Fran in a while, so let’s go after it and get your name…

    Read More: WOD July 18, 2017 (Tuesday)
  • WOD July 17, 2017 (Monday)

    Skill Work: EMOM 6 mins 10 burpee wall balls -go from the bottom of the burpee right into a wall ball shot   Weightlifting: Overhead Squat E2MOM 12 mins 2 OHS at 80% of 1rm OHS   WOD: 4 Rounds For Time 40 double unders 10 alternating kettle bell (5 each hand) snatch 24/16 kg…

    Read More: WOD July 17, 2017 (Monday)


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  • CrossFit – Sat, Sep 21

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