Month: August 2024

  • WOD May 18, 2018 (Friday)

    Gymnastics: Muscle-ups EMOM 6 Mins 4 Toes to the ring plus 1 ring Muscle up Weightlifting: 1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Squat Clean Complex E2MOM 14 mins 1 PC  +  2 Hang Squat cleans. Start at 70% of your 1 rep max and increase weight as you feel comfortable. WOD: AMRAP in 16 Minutes…

    Read More: WOD May 18, 2018 (Friday)
  • WOD May 17, 2018 (Thursday)

    Skill Work:Weighted Pull-ups EMOM 6 Mins 4 Weighted Pull ups or 6 weighted Dips. Choose one, it is up to you! Weightlifting: Push Press E2MOM 12 Mins 5 push press at 75% of your max, alternate with 6 chest to bar or regular pull ups on alternate minute WOD: 3 Rounds for time -CAP 22…

    Read More: WOD May 17, 2018 (Thursday)
  • WOD May 16, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Skill Work: Tabata Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35. For those who have requisite mobility try Alternating Dumbbell SQUAT Snatches Weightlifting: Deadlifts E2MOM 12 mins 2 DLs at 88% of your max alternate with 8 toes to bar. WOD: 4 Rounds For Time -CAP 20 minutes: 200 m Run with Wall Ball 20/14# 20 Wall Balls 20/14#…

    Read More: WOD May 16, 2018 (Wednesday)
  • WOD May 15, 2018 (Tuesday)

    Skill Work: Tabata Bar Muscle-ups Weightlifting: Front Squat E2MOM 14 minutes of 6 Front Squats at 72% of your 1 rep max WOD: 3 Rounds for time CAP-20 minutes 400M Run 30 Overhead walking lunge steps w/ plate 45/35 lb 20 Box jumps 24/20″

    Read More: WOD May 15, 2018 (Tuesday)
  • WOD May 14, 2018 (Monday)

    Core: Tabata Alternating Flutter Kicks/ Hollow Rocks Weightlifting: Bench Press E2MOM 14 minutes of 6 of Bench press at 70% of 1 rep max WOD: 3 Rounds with 1 minute on each station Calorie Row Over Head Squats 95/65 Burpee Pull Ups Double Unders Rest

    Read More: WOD May 14, 2018 (Monday)
  • Skills Seminar May 13, 2018 (Sunday)

    Master the art of handstand push ups and pistol squats! We’ll be continuing our monthly seminar series on developing CrossFit skills, and this month we will be hosting focusing on learning the technique behind handstand push ups and pistol squats. Registration: Sign up at the front desk Time: Sunday May 13th / 10:30am – 11:30am Cost:…

    Read More: Skills Seminar May 13, 2018 (Sunday)
  • WOD May 11, 2018 (Friday)

    Core: Tabata Alternating V-Up sit-ups Plank Holds Weightlifting: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch E2MOM 12 minutes 1 PS+ 1 HS from below the knee @70% Complex involving combination of power snatches plus hang squat snatch WOD: 15-12-9-6-3 Deadlift 225/155 lb Burpee Box Jump 24/20

    Read More: WOD May 11, 2018 (Friday)
  • WOD May 10, 2018 (Thursday)

    Skill Work: Wall Balls 30 Wall Balls for time Rx 20/14, Rx+ 30/20 Weightlifting: Push Press E2MOM 12 minutes Even minute: 6 Push Press @ 60-65% of alternate Odd minute: 6 Toes To Bar or Knees to elbow WOD: AMRAP in 10 Minutes 20 Push-ups 15 Front Squat 95/65 lb 10 Front rack walking lunge…

    Read More: WOD May 10, 2018 (Thursday)
  • WOD May 9, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Gymnastics: Muscle-ups EMOM 6 minutes: 4 Kipping Swings + 1 muscle up Weightlifting: Deadlift E2MOM 12 minutes 2 DLs at 85% alternate w/ 1-2 rope climbs WOD: AMRAP 8 minutes 50 Double Unders 10 Power Clean and Jerks 155/105 100 meter run rx+: 15 cal assault bike

    Read More: WOD May 9, 2018 (Wednesday)
  • WOD May 8, 2018 (Tuesday)

    Capacity 100m Row (Time) 4 X 100 Meter Row Sprint, score is your slowest round. take 1 minute rest in between each Weightlifting: Front Squat E2MOM 12 minutes 8 Front Squats at 65% of your 1 RM WOD: 4 Rounds for time cap-20 mins 30 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9 10 Single Arm Alternating…

    Read More: WOD May 8, 2018 (Tuesday)


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