Month: August 2024

  • WOD January 3, 2020 (Friday)

    Burgener Warm Up: 1. Down and “Finish” 2. Elbows High and Outside 3. Muscle Snatch 4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″ 5. Snatch Drops Skill Transfer Exercise: 1. Snatch Push Press 2. Overhead Squat 3. Heaving Snatch Balance 4. Snatch Balance without a dip 5. Snatch Balance with a dip WOD: For Time Run…

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  • WOD January 2, 2020 (Thursday)

    Strength: Front Squat Take 15 minutes to building to your 1 rep max Front Squat WOD: Hammer – 5 Rounds, each round for time of: 5 Power Cleans, 135# 10 Front Squats, 135# 5 Jerks, 135# 20 Pull-ups Rest 90 Seconds In honor of U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael “Hammer” Bordelon, 37, of Morgan City,…

    Read More: WOD January 2, 2020 (Thursday)
  • WOD January 1, 2020 (Wednesday)

    Happy New Year! CrossFit One World is closed New Years Day. Enjoy the day with family and friends!

    Read More: WOD January 1, 2020 (Wednesday)
  • WOD December 31, 2019 (Tuesday)

    WOD: Holleyman (For Time) 30 Rounds for time of: 5 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# /14# 3 Handstand Push-ups 1 Power Clean, 225#/ 155 In honor of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, MT, was killed on August 30, 2004

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  • WOD December 30, 2019 (Monday)

    Warm UP: 3 rounds X hollow rocks X tuck crunches X v-ups X sec hollow hold 30 seconds rest The goal of this core work is to be able to perform 10 reps for 3 sets. WOD: Coach Jonathan (For Time) 9 Snatches 95/135 9 Pull Ups 7 Snatches 95/135 7 C2B 5 Snatches 95/135…

    Read More: WOD December 30, 2019 (Monday)
  • WOD December 27, 2019 (Friday)

    Strength: Back Squat 15 Minutes to build your 1RM Back Squat WOD: J.J. (For Time -CAP 30 Minutes) 1 Squat Clean, 185# 10 Parallette Handstand Push-ups 2 Squat Clean, 185# 9 Parallette Handstand Push-ups 3 Squat Clean, 185# 8 Parallette Handstand Push-ups 4 Squat Clean, 185# 7 Parallette Handstand Push-ups 5 Squat Clean, 185# 6…

    Read More: WOD December 27, 2019 (Friday)
  • WOD December 26, 2019 (Thursday)

    Strength Sets: EMOM Should Press, EMOM Push Press, EMOM Push Jerk EMOM Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps EMOM Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps EMOM Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps The weight should go up on every set (this includes between press to push press to push jerk) WOD: CrossFit Games Open 12.4 12-minute AMRAP of: 150 Wall-Ball Shots,…

    Read More: WOD December 26, 2019 (Thursday)
  • WOD December 25, 2019 (Wednesday)

    Merry Christmas! CrossFit One World is closed Christmas Day. Enjoy the day with family and friends!

    Read More: WOD December 25, 2019 (Wednesday)
  • WOD December 24, 2019 (Tuesday)

    WOD: 12 Days of Christmas 1200 M Run 11- DB Devils Press 10-DB Front Squats 9- Pistols 8- T2B 7- Pull Ups 6- Burpees 5- HSPU 4- DB Deadlift 3- DB Hang Power Clean 2- DB S2OH 1- Bear Complex 65/95 Barbell 35/50 DB All DB movements are x2

    Read More: WOD December 24, 2019 (Tuesday)
  • WOD December 23, 2019 (Monday)

    3 rounds: X hollow rocks X tuck crunches X v-ups X sec hollow hold 30 seconds rest The goal of this core work is to be able to perform 10 reps for 3 sets. Snatch Weightlifting: E2MOM x 6 Hang squat snatch + squat snatch WOD: (For Time) 21-15-9-3 OHS Pull up

    Read More: WOD December 23, 2019 (Monday)


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