Month: August 2024

  • WOD June 8, 2020 (Monday)

    HOME WORKOUT Warm-up: 4 Rounds :30 Squat Jacks :30 Skaters :30 Toe Touches :30 Sprawls Strength: EMOM for 10 minutes 5 Strict press + 5 Push press WOD: “Toxic Burpees” EMOM For 20 minutes MIN 1: 20 PUSH UPS MIN 2: 20 SIT UPS MIN 3: MAX BURPEES MIN 4: REST *Score is the total…

    Read More: WOD June 8, 2020 (Monday)
  • WOD June 5, 2020 (Friday)

    HOME WORKOUT Weights needed: Light to medium DB’s for curls Light to very light weight for shoulder work 3-5 pounds for dead bug core work Warm-up: Kickboxing Combos WOD A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 10 Min. EMOM Odd Min. Wall sits Even Min. Alt. bicep curls WOD B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 10 Min. EMOM…

    Read More: WOD June 5, 2020 (Friday)
  • WOD June 4, 2020 (Thursday)

    HOME WORKOUT Strength: Tempo Tricep Dips using Box or Chair 2 Tabatas 20/10 (8 min) 2-1-2 2 sec. down,1 sec hold @bottom,2 sec. up WOD: AMRAP in 21 minutes 7 Burpees 11 Push-Ups 22 Kettlebell Swings (54/35 lb) Buy-in: 65 Sit-Ups On a 21-minute clock, as many rounds and repetitions as possible (AMRAP) perform the…

    Read More: WOD June 4, 2020 (Thursday)
  • WOD June 3, 2020 (Wednesday)

    HOME WORKOUT Strength: Tempo Lunges 3-0-3-0 (3 seconds down, 0 @ bottom, 3 seconds up, 0 @ top) 5R/5L E1:30MOM (7 rounds) 10min. WOD: 5X 5EMOM’s (25 Minutes) Min. 1 5 Mountain Climbers & 5 Bicycles (R&L=1) Min. 2 5 Air Squats & 5 Jumping Air Squats Min. 3 5 Pike Push-Ups & 5 Hand…

    Read More: WOD June 3, 2020 (Wednesday)
  • June 2, 2020 (Tuesday)

    HOME WORKOUT Strength: Tempo Push-ups – 2 Tabatas 20/10 First Tabata Round (4 Min.) 4 Seconds down, 1 Second Up 2nd Tabata Round (4 Min.) 1 Second down, 4 Seconds Up WOD: 5 Rounds for Time 10 Burpee star jumps 20 R&20 L Knee to elbows (These will be done from a plank position on…

    Read More: June 2, 2020 (Tuesday)
  • WOD June 1, 2020 (Monday)

    HOME WORKOUT Strength: Tempo Squats 10x EMOM Odd Minute 2 Tempo squats 15-0-15-0 (15 seconds down, 0 @ bottom, 15 seconds up, 0 @ top) Even Minute 10 Tempo Glute Bridges 0-5 (5 sec hold @ the top, 0 @bottom) WOD: (5 Rounds for reps) “Tabata This!” Home Workout Version Tabata Box/Chair Step Ups Tabata…

    Read More: WOD June 1, 2020 (Monday)
  • WOD May 29, 2020 (Friday)

    HOME WORKOUT Coach Moe Warm up: 5 Rds 10 quarter squats 10 lunges 10 kang squats 10 shoulder taps Moe’s Special: For time 100 Burpees **Top of the minute 10 air squats Core (Moe’s specialty part 2) 3 sets 30 sec work /15 sec rest Plank dips upright bicycle Plank knees to elbows

    Read More: WOD May 29, 2020 (Friday)
  • WOD May 28, 2020 (Thursday)

    HOME WORKOUT The answer to your question 8 min AMRAP 15 push ups 15 V-ups *3 min rest 8 min AMRAP 20 air squats 20 sit ups

    Read More: WOD May 28, 2020 (Thursday)
  • WOD May 27, 2020 (Wednesday)

    HOME WORKOUT Up in Smoke 10 Rds for time 14 squats 14 Alt DB snatches 14 Hand Release burpees **25 min cap

    Read More: WOD May 27, 2020 (Wednesday)
  • WOD May 26, 2020 (Tuesday)

    HOME WORKOUT Rick Rolled “Tabata Russian Twist *1 Min rest Tabata Reverse lunges *1 Min rest Tabata V-ups *1 Min rest Tabata Overhead squats”

    Read More: WOD May 26, 2020 (Tuesday)


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