Month: August 2024

  • 07152020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Zoom Info 06:30 AM 892-0865-0506 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 Strict Press + Push Press Complex Strict Press + Push Press combination of X percentage of your MAX strict press 5x 3 strict + 3 push 65-75% Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 min AMRAP 10 Deadlift 155/175 10 Bar…

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  • Winding down

    CrossFit One World – Fit Kids Warm up Class Choice Self Defense Skill Work Learning more intro level combos Metcon 5 EMOM x2 Max Reps of the following: Burpees Air Squats Lunges Crunches Rest

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  • 07142020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 Password: 07:35 PM ROMWOD 158-550-181 Deadlift 3×5 @ 65-75% Metcon (Time) For time: time cap 60 Cal Row 50 DB Thrusters 25/35 40 V-Ups 30 Alt DB Snatches 20 Burpees

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  • 07132020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Zoom Info 06:30 AM 892-0865-0506 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 Password: OW Snatch Snatch 7x 1 high pull + 1 hang @ 60-70% Metcon (Time) 10 MIN CAP 3 Rounds 10 DB Squat Cleans 35/50 15 Push Ups Then 3 Rounds 10 DB FR Lunges 15 DB S2OH

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  • 7/10/20

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Zoom Info 06:30 AM 892-0865-0506 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 Weightlifting 12 Min E2MOM 2 Power Snatch and 3 Overhead Squats @ 50-55 % Of 1 RM GYM: Power Snatch GYM: Overhead Squat Metcon GYM: Metcon (Time) 4 Round For TIme 200 M Row 15 Burpee 10 Alt DB Snatches ZOOM:…

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  • eHarmony

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit 11:00 AM 320-852-359 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 07:35 PM ROMWOD 158-550-181 Warm-up ZOOM: Metcon (No Measure) Strength: EMOM in 10 MINUTES Single Leg Deadlifts with Weights/No Weights Odd-as many reps Right Leg Even-as many reps Left Leg ZOOM: Metcon (Time) eHarmony FOR TIME: 30 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts 30 Single Dumbbell…

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  • 7/08/2020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Zoom Info 06:30 AM 892-0865-0506 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 Weightlifting 10 Min E2MOM 2 Power Cleans plus 3 Front Squat @ A Challenging Weight ( 55%-65% Of PC 1RM) GYM: Power Clean GYM: Front Squat Metcon GYM: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 20 Russian Kettle Bell…

    Read More: 7/08/2020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit 11:00 AM 320-852-359 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 Password: 07:35 PM ROMWOD 158-550-181 WARM UP 3 Rounds 50 Jumping Jacks 10 Pass Throughs with rope or Arm Circles Forward/Back 20 Lateral Lunges 10 Shoulder Taps 6 Pike Push Ups EMOM of the Day EMOM for 10 Minutes 10 Dumbbell Floor Press…

  • 7/06/2020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Zoom Info 06:30 AM 892-0865-0506 06:30 PM- 318-038-092 Weightlifting 10 Min EMOM 5 Push Press @ A Challenging Weight ( 50%-55% Of PP 1RM) 10 Min EMOM 5 Deadlift @ A Challenging Weight ( 55%-65% Of DL 1RM) (Finish the Push Press Cycle Then do Deadlifts) GYM: Push Press…

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  • WOD July 3, 2020 (Friday)

    Gym Workout (Outdoor) 16 Min AMRAP Complex of: 1 Squat Clean 2 Front Squat 1 Thruster 2 Push Jerks @ 60% Of Push Jerk WOD: For time 4 Rounds 400 m Run 15 Sumo Dead lift High Pull 10 Shoulder to Over head Home Workout (Zoom) Strength: E3MOM X’s 5 Rounds 1 Min. Max ALT…

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  • CrossFit – Thu, Sep 26

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  • CrossFit – Wed, Sep 25

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