Month: August 2024

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Cool Runnings

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: Cool Runnings

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

  • Jesse Owens

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: Jesse Owens

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: THE CHIEF IS DEAD
  • SunnnnnnnyyyyDAY

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Weightlifting 10 Min EMOM 2 Drop Snatch 3 Sott Press Drop Snatch Sott Press While sitting at a Squat position press the bar from rack position Metcon KettleBaller (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 Min AMRAP 5 Sumo Dead lift High Pull (35/53) 10 American Kettle Bell Swing 15 Goblet…

    Read More: SunnnnnnnyyyyDAY
  • DoubleTrouble

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: DoubleTrouble
  • Hennifer

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: Hennifer
  • 01/28/2021

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: 01/28/2021
  • 01/27/2021

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in. If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM &…

    Read More: 01/27/2021


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