Month: July 2024

  • WOD September 23, 2015 (Wednesday)

    Power Clean (touch and go speed)3 x 3 @ 70% of your 1rm cleanComplete 3rds for time:800m Run40 Double Unders10 STRICT Pull Ups

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  • WOD September 22, 2015 (Tuesday)

    Snatch Grip Deadlift3 x 3 @ 75-80% of 1rm snatch, 3 sec. pause at the top of the kneeThruster (from rack)3 x 5 start at 60% of your 1rm clean & jerk. Add weight each setComplete 4rds for time:20 American Swings15 Toes To Bar 10 Box Jumps

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  • WOD September 21, 2015 (Monday)

    Hang Squat Clean (top of knee)3 x 2 @ 70-75% of 1rm full cleanBack Squat 3 x 8 @ 70-75% of 1rm back squatAMRAP – 10 Minutes 10 Weighted Pistols5 Burpee Pull Ups*You pick weight for pistols

    Read More: WOD September 21, 2015 (Monday)
  • Yoga September 20, 2015 (Sunday)

    A morning sit in meditation and quietness while the sun breaks a warm smile over the water’s stillness in the lake sets my baseline. When the events of my day become wavering and turbulent, I will remember to breathe and bring myself back to this state of peacefulness and tranquility. Hari om, shanti, shanti, shanti.

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  • Lift Up Autism September 19, 2015 (Saturday)

    Get Heroic One Worlders! Lift Up Autism Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 09:00 am Crossfit One World  33415 Western Avenue, Union City, CA 94587  Registration Information: About Lift Up Autism: Two years ago, on October 19, 2013 Josh Everett, TrainHeroic, and the more than 350 boxes in the CrossFit community rallied together in spectacular…

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  • WOD September 18, 2015 (Friday)

    Start your warm up sets at 50% to 60% of your 1rm jerk, add weight each set. Complete the following 2x @ a heavy challenge weight Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Bench Press2 x 8 @ 70% of your 1rm bench press Complete 3 rounds for time:10 Overhead Squats 10 Sumo Deadlift…

    Read More: WOD September 18, 2015 (Friday)
  • Fitness Wave

    Fitness Wave NorCal is back in the house!!  As you all know, Fitness Wave NorCal is one of the most trusted and proven ways of Hydrostatic Testing (body fat). Their information is accurate, valuable and very important. Please see the link for more details and registration:

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  • WOD September 17, 2015 (Thursday)

    Parachute Sprints 100m x 16Rest as needed. Parachutes are located in the cubbies in the back of the gym

    Read More: WOD September 17, 2015 (Thursday)
  • Gymnastics September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

    The “stacked” position is important for handstand work. Harvey is assisting Ron achieve that important -sometimes elusive- position. 

    Read More: Gymnastics September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)
  • WOD September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

    Complete 3x @ 70% of your 1rm full snatch:Power Snatch + Snatch + OHSFront Squat 2 x 5 @ 70% of your 1rm front squatComplete for maximum reps:Tabata Deadlifts M315/F225

    Read More: WOD September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)


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