Month: July 2024

  • WOD June 16, 2017 (Friday)

    SKILL & STRENGTH: Pistols EMOM 6 minutes alternating pistols WEIGHTLIFTING: Back Squats E2MOM 16 minutes 3 Back Squats 70% WOD: “Tumilson” 8 Rounds For Time of: 200m Run 11 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts, 50/35 each hand In honor of U.S. Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class Jon “JT” T

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  • WOD June 15, 2017 (Thursday)

    GYMNASTCIS: Muscle-ups -Bar & Ring EMOM 5 minutes 1 Bar Muscle-up + 1 Ring Muscle-up WEIGHTLIFTING: Thrusters E2MOM 14 Minutes 2 Thrusters *No Rack* WOD: AMRAP 8 Minutes: 3-6-9-12… Front Rack Lunges 115/85, Burpee pull ups

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  • WOD June 14, 2017 (Wednesday)

    STRENGTH: Weighted Pull-ups EMOM 6 minutes 4 weighted pull ups WEIGHTLIFTING: Deadlift & Farmers Carry E2MOM 14 minutes Odd minute: Uneven Farmers Carry to the 20 meter mark and back M:32/24, F:24/16 kg Even min: 3 Deadlifts at 75% 1RM WOD: EMOM 11 Minutes *Perform all three components in the same minute* Choose A or…

    Read More: WOD June 14, 2017 (Wednesday)
  • WOD June 13, 2017 (Tuesday)

    TABATA: Handstand hold 8 Rounds of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest WEIGHTLIFTING: Push Press E2MOM 12 minutes 4 push press at 75% if 1RM WOD: AMRAP 8 Minutes 10 Over Head Squats 95/65 10 Burpee Push ups *Hips do not make contact with the ground*

    Read More: WOD June 13, 2017 (Tuesday)
  • WOD June 12, 2017 (Monday)

    STRENGTH: Push ups & Plank Holds EMOM 6 minutes of 5 Hand Release Push Ups + 30 Second Plank Hold WEIGHTLIFTING: Front Squats E2MOM 12 minutes of 5 front squats at 75% of 1RM WOD: AMRAP 12 Minutes 4 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk 185/125 30 Double Unders 100 Meter Run

    Read More: WOD June 12, 2017 (Monday)
  • One World Movie Night – June 10, 2017 (Saturday)

    Calling all One Worlders! Bring your friends and family to the One World Movie Night on Saturday, June 10, 2017. Food and fun starts at 7:00 pm. Movie starts at 8:00pm. Bring your lawn chairs. We will have kids movies and adult movies.

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  • WOD June 9, 2017 (Friday)

    STRENGTH: Tire Flips & Sled Drags 10 Minute running clock: Tire Flips Sled Drags WEIGHTLIFTING: Back Squat E2MOM 10 Minutes 2 reps at 85% of 1RM WOD: “Christine” 3 Rounds for time: 500m Row 12 Deadlifts, bodyweight 21 Box Jumps, 20″ Time Cap: 16 minutes We would like to see you working as close to…

    Read More: WOD June 9, 2017 (Friday)
  • WOD June 8, 2017 (Thursday)

    GYMNASTICS: Muscle-ups EMOM 6 minutes unbroken Muscle-ups reps *Score is the largest number of reps* WEIGHTLIFTING: Power Snatch EMOM 10 minutes 3 Power snatch at 70% of 1RM Snatch WOD: 5 Rounds for time: 15 Thrusters 95/65 400 meter run *Cap 20 minutes*

    Read More: WOD June 8, 2017 (Thursday)
  • WOD June 7, 2017 (Wednesday)

    GYM STYLE STRENGTH: Bicep Curls EMOM 6 minutes: with your back against the wall perform bicep curls 8 reps on each hand 30lbs/20lbs *slow downn the eccentric portion* SKILL & STRENGTH: Deadlifts & Rope Climbs E2MOM 14 minutes alternating rope climbs and deadlifts @ 70% 1RM Odd minute: 1-2 Rope Climb Even minute: 4 Deadlifts…

    Read More: WOD June 7, 2017 (Wednesday)
  • WOD June 6, 2017 (Tuesday)

    STRENGTH: Farmers Carry Tabata uneven kettllebell farmer’s walks 32/24 kg for men, 24/16 kg for women WEIGHTLIFTING: Push Press E2MOM 14 minutes 3 push press at 70% of 1RM WOD: For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Power Clean 115/85 Air Squats *Cap 18 minutes*

    Read More: WOD June 6, 2017 (Tuesday)


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