Month: July 2024

  • 08142020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Clean (5 x 3) 5 E2MOM 3 Cleans *Start at 50% and add weight Metcon (Time) 4 RFT 50 Front Rack Forward Lunges 2x DB 35/50 25 DU 10 DBx2 Front Squats

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  • 08122020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Push Press + Split jERK (2+2) This complex will be a combination of push presses plus a split jer5 x E2MOM 2 Push Press + Split Jerk *Start at 50% add weight each round ZOOM: BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUATS EMOM for 10 mins MIN 1- 10 Left Leg MIN 2-…

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  • 08112020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Front Squat 3xE2MOM Squat 5@50% 3@60% 1@70% *Use 1RM clean ZOOM: EMOM FOR 12 MINS: MIN 1- 10 SINGLE LEG DEADLIFTS RIGHT LEG MIN 2- 10 SINGLE LEG DEADLIFTS LEFT LEG MIN 3- 10 DEADLIFTS Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 5 Devils Press 10 Pistols…

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  • 08102020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Clean (7 x 2 +1 ) 7 x E2MOM 2 Hang + 1 Clean *start at 60% and add weight as needed ZOOM: EMOM for 10 Mins: Min 1- 10 DB Hang Power Cleans Min 2- 10 Front Squats Metcon (Time) 4 RFT 5 Snatches 65/95 10 Burpees 15…

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  • Lets get some Sun

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Strength 5 Snatch grip Push press, then 3 Drop Snatch (5 Snatch grip push press + 3 Drop snatch = 8 reps) 5 set of 8 reps Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 25 Min AMRAP 200m Run 5 Push Press 10 Dead lift 15 Lateral jumps

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  • “Odd” Couples

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Please remember you each need your own space & equipment, no sharing. Metcon (Time) For Time (30 min Cap) 1 Person working at a time, you and your partner can break up reps however you want. 10 Rounds 15 Box Jumps 15 Med Ball Clusters 15 Med Ball Sit-Ups…

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  • 08072020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Deadlift (4 x 8-10 Each Leg ) 4 x E2MOM *Use 2 DB 35/50 *Single Leg Deadlift. *1 round is 8-10 on right leg and 8-10 on left leg. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 600 M Run 10 DBx2 Deadlift 35/50 5 Seated DB Press

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  • Max Effort

    CrossFit One World – Fit Kids Self Defense Skill Work Metcon 2 EMOM 5 Min 1: Max Squats Min 2: Max Jumping Jacks Min 3: Max Crunches Min 4: Max Burpees Min 5: Rest

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  • 08132020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit ZOOM: Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes: Min 1: 10 DB Upright Rows Min 2: 10 Alt DB Lateral Lunges ZOOM: Metcon (No Measure) Every 3 Minutes for 10 Sets: 6 DB Thrusters 6 Alt DB Snatches 6 DB Burpees 6 Weighted Step Ups/Lunges

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  • 08062020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit ZOOM 11AM 320-038-359 630PM 318-038-092 ZOOM: Press & Rows EMOM for 12 Mins Min 1- 10 Half Kneeling One Arm Press (Right Arm) Min 2- 10 Half Kneeling One Arm Press (Left Arm) Min 3- 10 Half Kneeling Wood Chops (Right) Min 4- 10 Half Kneeling Wood Chops (Left)…

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