Month: July 2024

  • Hang ON

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Strength 10 MIn E2MOM Complex 2 Snatches + 3 Overhead Squats Snatch Overhead Squat Metcon Metcon (Time) Buy in 400m Run 21 – 15- 9 Toes to Bar or Weighted V-ups Overhead Squat 45/35 Cal Row Buy out 400m Run

    Read More: Hang ON

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit DON’T FORGET TO WEAR YOUR PINK! ANGELA (Time) 48 Burpees Then 3 Rounds of: 10 Pull-Ups 16 Thrusters (95/65 lb) 16 Deadlifts (155/105 lb) 600 meter Run Then: 48 Sit-UpsSCALED ATHLETES SUB PENDLAY ROWS FOR PULL-UPS For three months Angela battled stage 4 breast cancer and lost her battle…


    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Z Press 6x E2MOM 10 “Z Press” (aka Seated Floor Press) with heavy object, barbell or 2x’s DB Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds for Time: 400m Run + 500m Row

    Read More: A_WORLD WAR Z

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit 2 Hang Cleans + 2 Power Cleans E2MOM for 10 mins @ 70% of 1RM Clean Metcon (Time) 18-15-12-9-6-3 Front Squat (135/95) Handstand Push Ups/Hand Release Push Ups *40 x Double Under After Each Set* *15 MIN CAP*

    Read More: A_PENNYWISE

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Deadlift (5×5 ) E2MOM for 10 mins Deadlifts @ 70% of 1RM of Deadlift Metcon (Time) For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps Thruster 65/95 Burpees (over the bar)

    Read More: A_EXORCIST!

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Bulgarian Split Squats (10 reps each set for 5 sets) EMOM for 10 Mins Odd-10 Reps Left Leg Even-10 Reps Right Leg Metcon (No Measure) E2MOM for 10 Rounds: 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 10 Calorie Row


    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Back Squats (6 x 5) EMOM for 5 mins @ 65% of 1RM Back SquatIf you don’t have a rack in your box, go light. You can clean the barbell from the ground, push press and behind the neck on the shoulders. Metcon (Time) “5150” 51 Box Jumps 20/24…

    Read More: A_PSYCHO!
  • My Knee Hurts lol

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Strength Emom Style (90 Sec Per Set ) For 10 Sets Alternating Sets Odd: 100m Run Even: Pull Ups or Pendlay Row ( Trying Pull up Transition if its too disorganized pendlay row only) Pendlay Row Pull-ups Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 15 Cal…

    Read More: My Knee Hurts lol

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Partners will not share equipment or spaces, please remember to bring your yoga mats for ground work to every class Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 (10 Rounds for Time, 30 Min. Cap) 105/75 (RX+ 135/105) Partner A 10 Hang power Cleans Partner B Holds Hang Power Position Then switch…

    Read More: HOLD ON PARTNER!
  • A_10162020

    CrossFit One World – OW Fit Good Mornings (5 x 10 ) E2MOM in 10 mins increasing weight every set CrossFit Games Open 11.2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15-Minute AMRAP of: 9 Deadlifts, 155# / 100# 12 Push-ups 15 Box Jumps, 24″ / 20″

    Read More: A_10162020


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  • CrossFit – Sat, Oct 12

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Breast Cancer Awareness (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Partner workout, split reps as you want. 1 person works, 1 person rests. 30 Minute AMRAP: (30% of cancers in women and is most common) 1 Bear Complex (105/155) (about 1% of men get breast cancer every year) 13 T2B (Women have…

  • CrossFit – Fri, Oct 11

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Bent Over Row (12 Min E2MOM 6 Bent over row @ 60 % Bodyweight Increase Weight by 5 every set 3 Ring Dips/6 Box Dips (Right After Bent Over Row)) Chaos (AMRAP – Reps) 3 Set of 4 Min AMRAP (16 Minutes Total, including rest) We have 12 minutes of…

  • CrossFit – Thu, Oct 10

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Snatch (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Snatch 2 Overhead Squat @ 55 % 1 RM Power Snatch Increase Weight by 5 every set) Overhead Squat Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12 Min AMRAP 5 Power Snatch 10 Chest to Bar 15 Lateral Burpees Rx Bar 115/85 Rx+…



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