Month: July 2024

  • WOD February 17, 2016 (Wednesday)

    STRENGTH:OHSWork up to moderate load and perform 5×3 for quality METCON:“TABATA THIS!”Tabata RowRest 1 minuteTabata SquatRest 1 minuteTabata Pull-upRest 1 minuteTabata Push-upRest 1 minuteTabata Sit-upThe Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.…

    Read More: WOD February 17, 2016 (Wednesday)
  • WOD February 16, 2016 (Tuesday)

    STRENGTH:Clean (Touch and Go)3/3/3 (8 minutes)1/1/1 (8 minutes)***start first working set around 70-75% of current 3, and 1 RM if you know it and work up AHAP for the day & time allowed METCON:“WITTMAN”7 RFT:15 KBS 53/3515 Power Clean 95/6515 Box Jumps NOTE: Target Time = Adv 15-18 minutes, Int 18-21 (25 MIN CAP)

    Read More: WOD February 16, 2016 (Tuesday)
  • WOD february 15, 2016 (Monday)

    STRENGTH:Front Squat5/5/53/3/31/1/1***start first working set around 70-75% of current 5,3, and 1 RM if you know it and work up AHAP for the day & time allowed METCON:On the top of every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 Rounds) complete:150m Run10 KB Lunge 53/35Max Rep Burpees, onto 45# plate NOTE: Goal = Adv 100 reps,…

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  • WOD February 12, 2016 (Friday)

    Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 70%2 x 3 @ 80%1 x 1 @ 90% Complete for time:15 Full Cleans15 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Push Press15 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Clusters15 Bar Facing Burpees (135/95)

    Read More: WOD February 12, 2016 (Friday)
  • WOD February 11, 2016 (Thursday)

    Complete For Time:100m Run200m Run300m Run400m Run -Rest 2 Minutes- 200m Run400m Run600m Run800m Run -Rest 2 Minutes- 300m Run600m Run900m Run1200m Run

    Read More: WOD February 11, 2016 (Thursday)
  • WOD February 10, 2016 (Wednesday)

    Power Snatch + 2 Hang Squat Snatch 5 x 1 starting @ 60%, add weight each set Complete for time:50 Box Jump Overs40 Burpees 30 DB Snatch 40/2520 Deadlifts 185/12510 SDLHP 135/95

    Read More: WOD February 10, 2016 (Wednesday)
  • WOD February 9, 2016 (Tuesday)

    Jerk From Racks4 x 2 @ 80% of 1rm jerk Front Squats 4 x 3 @ 80% of 1rm front AMRAP 2 Minutes 7 Thrusters @ 45/357 Pull Ups AMRAP 2 Minutes7 Thrusters @ 95/657 Chest To Bar Pull AMRAP 2 Minutes 7 Thrusters @ 135/957 Muscle Ups *1 Minute rest between AMRAPs

    Read More: WOD February 9, 2016 (Tuesday)
  • WOD February 8, 2016 (Monday)

    AMRAP – 24 Minutes *50 Calorie Buy-In*3 Full Cleans @ 70% of 1rm clean20 Russian Swings 70/533 Rope Climbs

    Read More: WOD February 8, 2016 (Monday)
  • WOD February 5, 2016 (Friday)

    Full Clean1 Rep @ 90%Hang Power Clean, 2 Minutes Max Reps @ 60% of 1rm clean-1 min rest-Hang Squat Clean, 2 Max Reps @ 60% of 1rm clean Complete 21-15-9 reps for time:21 Deadlifts (225/135)15 Thrusters (135/95)9 Rope Climbs

    Read More: WOD February 5, 2016 (Friday)
  • WOD February 4, 2016 (Thursday)

    Barbell Step Ups4 x 16 (8 per leg) @ 50% of your 1rm clean & jerkYTW’s4 x 10 (10# plates or 5# plates) Strict Chin Ups4 x 10DB Box Jumps3 x 8

    Read More: WOD February 4, 2016 (Thursday)


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