Month: July 2024

  • WOD September 26, 2016 (Monday)

    Tabata Hollow rock and superman -switch every 20 seconds between the two movements. EMOM 12 Minutes 1 full snatch plus 1 OHS with pause at bottom Recommended weight is 60-70% of 1 RM snatch. You can increase weight from minute to minute. For Time: KAREN Time cap: 20 minutes 150 Wall Ball shots for time…

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  • Barbell Rodeo 16.3

    Hey One Worlders, our friends from Crossfit Valley View is hosting their annual Barbell Rodeo Competition. There are RX, Masters, Youths and Team Divisions: Barbell 16.3 will be located in Los Banos, CA at the city’s Tomato Festival. Divisions are Open Men (Rx), Open Women (Rx), Master Men (40+), Master Women (40+), Youth Boys (-18),…

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  • Summer Throwdown 2016

    Lalane Fitness Summery Throwdown September 24, 2016 If anyone is interested in competing,  the registration is still open:

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  • WOD September 23, 2016 (Friday)

    Ring Muscle Up practice, work on both strict and kipping variations Clean Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3, we are looking to maintain the position we would see if we were doing squat cleans my maintaining hamstring tightness and shoulders over the bar, work up to at least a triple over your 1 rm Squat clean note: straps are…

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  • WOD September 22, 2016 (Thursday)

    Tabata Hand stand holds, either free standing or on the wall Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 Work up to heavy triple for the day, it’s been a while since we have done bench press and it is important to realize how important it is drive with your legs and keep a controlled movement. Three Rounds for time:…

    Read More: WOD September 22, 2016 (Thursday)
  • WOD September 21, 2016 (Wednesday)

    Tabata Bar Muscle Ups OR ring muscle ups for those of you who have them, if you can’t get those BMUs yet go ahead and do either Chest to bar pullups or regular kipping Pus combined or you can use a box to work on it. Strict Press 3-3-3-3-3 Take some time today to work…

    Read More: WOD September 21, 2016 (Wednesday)
  • WOD September 20, 2016 (Tuesday)

    Tabata power snatch with bare barbell 45/35 Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1 Work up to a heavy single for the day, if time permits and you are feeling up to it go for a PR make sure you are aware of your surroundings and know how to dump the bar and use a spotter please.You shouldn’t necessarily…

    Read More: WOD September 20, 2016 (Tuesday)
  • WOD September 19, 2016 (Monday)

    Tabata thrusters with bare barbell Hang Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 NOTES: Work up to a strong effort squat snatch today starting from the hang. Without designating a starting point for the hang we usually mean you should snatch deadlift the bar to pocket height and then bring the bar down above the knees before you complete…

    Read More: WOD September 19, 2016 (Monday)
  • One World Annual Summer Picnic

    September 17, 2016 at NOON: One World Family, please join us on our Annual One World Summer Picnic: Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 12pm. The location is Charles F. Kennedy Park 1333 Decoto Rd, Union City, CA 94587 This picnic is for all members of Crossfit, Boot Camp, Yoga, Krav Maga and Core Kickboxing. Please…

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  • WOD September 16, 2016 (Friday)

    Tabata Strict toes to bar, i.e no kipping, with a dead hang, look to raise your feet all the way to the bar, for beginners strict knees to elbows is a great substitute EMOM 10 Mins 2 Power Snatch For time: 30 goblet squats 32/24 kg 40 In Place Overhead Walking Lunge Steps 95/65 lb…

    Read More: WOD September 16, 2016 (Friday)


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