Month: July 2024

  • WOD October 28, 2016 (Friday)

    Tabata Overhead Walking Lunge with bare barbell( Do them in place) EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Snatch with pause in the bottom of the overhead squat 4 Rounds with 1 minute at each station “Two arm dumbbell push press 40/25 lb Air Squat Row for calories Rest” 2 Minute rest

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  • WOD October 27, 2016 (Thursday)

    EMOM 10 mins sustainable set of HSPU, and other minute alternating pistols on each leg Push Press 2-2-2-2-2 AMRAP 7 Minutes Burpees to a 6 inch target

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  • WOD October 26, 2016 (Wednesday)

    Tabata Medicine ball cleans, 20/14 lb Rx Over Head Squat 3-3-3-3-3 AMRAP 15 mins “200M Run 60 Seconds rest”

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  • WOD October 25, 2016 (Tuesday)

    “EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] Straight set of Ring Dips [even] Double Unders” Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4 For time, TIME CAP 18 Min. 1000 m row 30 Deadlifts 225/155 lb 50 Push ups

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  • OW Yoga Body Sculpt

    Hey One Worlders! We are excited to announce OW Yoga Body Sculpt with Yogi Justin Toland!   OW Yoga Body Sculpt is a group training and personalized fitness program that lasts 5 weeks. Sessions will include a focus on Yoga based stretching, body weight movements, interval training and cardiovascular endurance (i.e. short distance running, jump…

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  • WOD October 24, 2016 (Monday)

    Tabata Russian twists EMOM 12 MINS 2 Back Squats at around 80% of your 1 RM AMRAP 7 Mins 3-6-9-12-15…. Clean and Jerk 135/95 Toes to bar

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  • Olympic Weightlifting Program

    Olympic Weight Lifting starting October 23, 2016. Olympic lifting is one of the foundational movements in Crossfit, and we will be offering two classes per week to fine tune your technique in both the snatch and clean and jerk. This will be a one-hour session where we will focus on either just the snatch or…

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  • Goblin n Ghouls 2016

    Hey One Worlders, our friends at Crossfit San Leandro is hosting the Goblin n Ghouls throwdown on October 22, 2016. Goblin n Ghouls is coming up on Oct 22nd. Teams of 3 and they must consist of 2 women and 1 man. If your interested at don’t have a team yet, please email we…

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  • WOD October 21, 2016 (Friday)

    Tabata Overhead Walking Lunge with bare barbell Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 5 rounds: 3 Minute AMRAP 10 Box jumps 20/24″ 8 dumbbell snatch 35/50 6 Goblet squats 35/50 1 Minute rest

    Read More: WOD October 21, 2016 (Friday)
  • Congratulations to Allen John!

    Big congratulations to Allen for his 5th Place finish in the men’s rx division at Battle on Sunset 3 in Antioch! You make us proud Allen!

    Read More: Congratulations to Allen John!


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  • CrossFit – Mon, Oct 7

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