Month: July 2024

  • WOD May 24, 2017 (Wednesday)

    Skill & Strength: Ring Dips EMOM 6 minutes straight set Ring Dips Weightlifting: Deadlift E2MOM 12 minutes 2 DL at 85% OF 1 RM WOD: AMRAP 10 minutes 10 Alternating dumbell snatch 50/35lbs 10 Sit-ups

    Read More: WOD May 24, 2017 (Wednesday)
  • WOD May 23, 2017 (Tuesday)

    Skill & Strength: Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups EMOM 5 minutes unbroken set of chest to bar pull ups Weightlifting: Bench Press E3MOM 15 minutes of 2 PAUSED Bench Press at 80% of 1Rm *The pause starts when the bar is at the chest* WOD: For time: 1-10 Front Squat 155/105 25 Double Unders after each set How…

    Read More: WOD May 23, 2017 (Tuesday)
  • WOD May 22, 2017 (Monday)

    Skill & Strength: Handstand Push-ups EMOM 6 minutes straight set without coming off the wall of HSPUs *your score will be your max set Weightlifting: Overhead Squat E3MOM 12 minutes 3 OHS at 85% of 1RM OHS WOD: 5 Rounds for time: *cap 16 minutes* 10 Push Press 135/95 10 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs, rx+:…

    Read More: WOD May 22, 2017 (Monday)
  • WOD May 20, 2017 (Saturday)

    Mental Health Awareness “Becky” For time 800m Run 30 Snatch 115/75 400m Run 30 Hang Cleans 115/75 400m Run 30 Push up 800m Run 30 Pull ups Join us in a WOD for a great cause! Dr. Helen Hsu is organizer of One World Mental Health Awareness Day. Dr. Hsu is a clinical psychologist from…

    Read More: WOD May 20, 2017 (Saturday)
  • WOD May 19, 2017 (Friday)

    Skill & STRENGTH: L-Sit & Plank Holds EMOM 6 minutes Odd minute: 30 seconds L-Sit Even minute: 45 seconds Plank Hold WEIGHTLIFTING: Back Squat E2MOM 10 minutes 2 Back Squats at 85% of 1 RM WOD “Maddie” AMRAP in 16 minutes 4 Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs) 11 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20 in) 20 Double-Unders

    Read More: WOD May 19, 2017 (Friday)
  • WOD May 18, 2017 (Thursday)

    TABATA: Toes-To-Bar Score here is your smallest set WEIGHTLIFTING: Klokov Complex E2MOM 12 minutes -1 Klokov clean and jerk complex: 1 Clean Deadlift 1 Clean 1 Pause Front Squat 1 Push Press 1 Split Jerk with a Pause in the Dip Start @ 60% OF 1 RM CNJ, go up in weight if you are…

    Read More: WOD May 18, 2017 (Thursday)
  • WOD May 17, 2017 (Wednesday)

    SKILL & STRENGTH: Muscle-ups & Ring Dips EMOM 5 minutes of 1 Ring Muscle up plus 3 ring dips WEIGHTLIFTING: Deadlifts & Rope Climbs EMOM 12 minutes 5 DL at 70% of 1 RM, 2 rope climbs Odd minute: 5 DL at 70% Even minute: 2 rope climbs WOD: 5 Cycles AMRAP in 3 minutes…

    Read More: WOD May 17, 2017 (Wednesday)
  • WOD May 16, 2017 (Tuesday)

    TABATA: Overhead barbell hold 135/95# RX: Clean grip overhead hold, RX+ Snatch grip overhead hold STRENGTH: Bench Press E2MOM 12 minutes -3 PAUSED bench press at 75% max WOD: Three rounds for time: *Cap 13 minutes* 10 power Clean and Jerks 135/95# 30 calorie row

    Read More: WOD May 16, 2017 (Tuesday)
  • WOD May 15, 2017 (Monday)

    STRENGTH: Weighted Pull-ups EMOM 6 minutes -4 weighted pull ups STRENGTH: Overhead Squat E2MOM 12 minutes 3 OHS at 80% of 1RM OHS WOD: AMRAP 12 minutes 5 Handstand Push ups 10 Deadlifts @ 155/105 15 Lateral bar hops 100 meter run

    Read More: WOD May 15, 2017 (Monday)
  • WOD May 12, 2017 (Friday)

    Strength: Back Squat E2MOM 16 minutes 5 Back Squats at 60% of 1RM WOD: “Jack” 20-Minute AMRAP of: 10 Push Press 115/85lbs 10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs 10 Box Jumps 24/20″ In honor of Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, OK, died September 29th, 2009 supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

    Read More: WOD May 12, 2017 (Friday)


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