Month: July 2024

  • CrossFit – Tue, Feb 20

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 1-time exercise (No Measure) Pull up work – hollow to arch – kipping pull up (no butterfly) 1-time exercise (Time) 3 rounds 500m row 3 rounds Cindy (5 pull up, 10 push up, 15 squat)RX + 3 rounds 500m row 3 rounds Mary (5 HSPU, 10 pistols, 15 pull ups)…

    Read More: CrossFit – Tue, Feb 20
  • CrossFit – Mon, Feb 19

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 1-time exercise (3 Rounds for time) Row 3X500m row rest 1:1 Snatch (7×2 Starting @ 65% and add weight as appropriate) 1-time exercise (Time) 4 Rounds for time 12 alt DB (1) squat snatch 12 weight DB (2) lunges 12 wall walks DB = 35/50

    Read More: CrossFit – Mon, Feb 19
  • CrossFit – Fri, Feb 16

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 1-time exercise (Distance) Tabata 5 burpee broad jump Clean (Every 2 mins x 5 1 clean pull + 1 hang clean + 1 clean Starting @ 75% and add weight as appropriate) 1-time exercise (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 10 12 db hang clean (2 x 50/35) 9 Toes…

    Read More: CrossFit – Fri, Feb 16
  • CrossFit – Thu, Feb 15

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Back Squat (Every 2 mins 5@80% 3@90% 1@95%) 1-time exercise (Time) For Time: 600 M Run 50 air squats 50 burpees 50 air squats 600 M Run

    Read More: CrossFit – Thu, Feb 15

    One World offers private coaching to help you improve your overall health and fitness. You will receiving more individualized attention in your chosen Private Coaching Class Sessions. Private coaching allows you to work one-on-one with our expert trainers. Sessions are designed with your goals in mind, whether it is health, strength training, injury prevention, preparing…

  • CrossFit – Wed, Feb 14

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 1-time exercise (No Measure) 10 mins to work on split jerk technique Push Jerk (Every 2 mins x 5 2 push jerk +2 split jerk Working Set 75-85%) Diane (Time) 21-15-9 Reps For Time Deadlifts (225/155 lb) Handstand Push-Ups

    Read More: CrossFit – Wed, Feb 14
  • CrossFit – Tue, Feb 13

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 1-time exercise (No Measure) Warm up: For Quality, 3 rounds 10 kang squats 10 OH Plate Squats 10 broad jumps Overhead Squat (Every 2 mins 5×5 Starting @ 75% and add weight as appropriate) 1-time exercise (Time) 21-18- 15-12-9-6-3 Ring Dips Overhead Squat 75/115 *main site 180623 RX start with…

    Read More: CrossFit – Tue, Feb 13
  • CrossFit – Mon, Feb 12

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 1-time exercise (No Measure) EMOMx10 even: 15-20 hollow rocks odd: 15-20 superman Snatch (EMOMx10 3 snatches Starting @ 75% and add weight as appropriate) Jackie (Time) For time: 1,000-meter row 50 thrusters 30 pull-ups Men: 45 lb. Women: 35 lb.

    Read More: CrossFit – Mon, Feb 12
  • CrossFit – Fri, Feb 9

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 1-time exercise (Weight) Good Morning EMOM x 3 7 reps use light weight 1-time exercise (Time) For Time 30 T2B 1k row 1k run 30 T2B Deadlift (Every 2 mins 5×5 Starting @ 75% and add weight as appropriate)

    Read More: CrossFit – Fri, Feb 9
  • CrossFit – Thu, Feb 8

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Max Height Box Jump (Distance) Max Height Box Jump15 mins to find max box jump height Lunar New Year (Time) For Time 31 Push Presses (75/55 lb) 31 Pull-Ups 31 Snatches (75/55 lb) 31 Sit-Ups 31 Toes-to-Bars 31 Push-Ups 31 Box Jumps (24/20 in) 31 Back Squats (75/55 lb) 31…

    Read More: CrossFit – Thu, Feb 8


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  • CrossFit – Sun, Oct 6

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Deadlift (10Min E2MOM 3 Rep Deadlift @75% 1RM Deadlift) LVL 2 Meteodrive (Time) 5 Rounds for Time 20/15 Cal Row 10 Clean and Jerk 115/85 10 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 25 Min Cap

  • CrossFit – Sat, Oct 5

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 500m Row (Time) Max Effort 500m Row 190602 (Time) For time: Row 2,000 meters 21 cleans 15 thrusters Row 1,000 meters 15 cleans 12 thrusters Row 500 meters 9 cleans 9 thrusters ♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.

  • CrossFit – Fri, Oct 4

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Snatch (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Snatch 3 Overhead Squat @ 50 % 1 RM Power Snatch Increase Weight by 5 every set) Overhead Squat Iron Abs (Time) For Time 21-15-9 Overhead Squats Burpees *Run 800 Meters after each round Rx 75/55 RX+ 135/95



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