Month: July 2024

  • WOD March 13, 2020 (Friday)

    Freaky Friday (For Time) 10 Back Squats 155/225 1000M Row 10 Back Squat 185/255 *From rack WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 50 DU 30 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 30 Sit Ups 50 Air Squat EMOM – 5 burpee

    Read More: WOD March 13, 2020 (Friday)
  • WOD March 12, 2020 (Thursday)

    WOD: 7 x E2MOM 10 Deadlift 155/225 12-16 Alt Pistols WOD: 12xEMOM Min 1: Max KBS 35/50 Min 2: Max Goblet Squat Min 3: Max Cal Row RX+ – 70/50

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  • WOD March 11, 2020 (Wednesday)

    Weightlifting: Power Clean 6 x E2MOM 2 x 1 P Clean +3 F Squat @ 60% 2 x 1 + 3 @ 70% 2 x 1 + 3 @ 80% WOD: Evil Twin, Good Twin (For Time) As a Team of 2 Complete the Following: 11 Min AMRAP 25 BMUP or T2B 50 Cal Row…

    Read More: WOD March 11, 2020 (Wednesday)
  • WOD March 10, 2020 (Tuesday)

    Strength: Thruster 10 Min to work to 3 RM WOD: 25-20-15-10-5 (For Time) WB 25 DU between each round

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  • WOD March 9, 2020 (Monday)

    For Time: 5 x 400M Run Rest :30 between each round WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 15 DBx2 Burpee Box Step Overs 15 T2B Rx+ BMUP

    Read More: WOD March 9, 2020 (Monday)
  • WOD March 6, 2020 (Friday)

    WOD: For Time 30 Devils Press 35/50 Rx+ 50 Devil’s Press 35/50 WOD: 21-18-15-9 (For Time) HSPU Box Jumps 1 Rope Climb each round

    Read More: WOD March 6, 2020 (Friday)
  • WOD March 5, 2020 (Thursday)

    Weightlifting: Snatch + OHS 6 x E2MOM 2 Snatch + 3 OHS *starting @ 60% *if possible add weight each round WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 50M Cross Carry 20 Goblet Squats 35/50 10 Dips

    Read More: WOD March 5, 2020 (Thursday)
  • WOD March 4, 2020 (Wednesday)

    WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 5 Man Makers 35/50 10 Air Squat 15 Weighted Sit Ups w/ DBx1 Then WOD: 5 RFT 15 WB 15 Cal Row *Rest :30 between each round

    Read More: WOD March 4, 2020 (Wednesday)
  • WOD March 3, 3030 (Tuesday)

    Warm Up: 2 Rounds of Tabata Row Complete two rounds of Tabata = 16 minutes total Strength: Deadlift 10xEMOM Odd: 7 Deadlift Even: Run 200M *Start at 95/135 and add 10# each round *If unable to make run w/i 1 min scale to 100M run *Record your last deadlift weight WOD: 20 Min AMRAP w/…

    Read More: WOD March 3, 3030 (Tuesday)
  • WOD March 2, 2020 (Monday)

    Warm Up: Alt Tabata Strict Pull Ups Strict T2B Cluster Strength: Squat Clean into a Thruster 5xE2MOM 3 Clusters. Work to a moderate 3 rep WOD: 21-15-9 (For Time) Plate G2OH Burpee to plate Run 200M between each round

    Read More: WOD March 2, 2020 (Monday)


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