Month: June 2021
WOD July 17, 2014 (Thursday)
Read More: WOD July 17, 2014 (Thursday)Hey guys, tomorrow will be a very light day. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come to the gym, it just means tomorrow will be a good day to work on a skill. Thursday July 17 2014Warm UpNo less than 10 minutes of mobility Adjust the damper setting, one attempt at 6, one attempt at 8,…
WOD July 16, 2014 (Wednesday)
Read More: WOD July 16, 2014 (Wednesday)What’s up One Worlders! Here’s the workout for Wednesday July 16 2014: Tier 1 3 x 5 Push Press 3 x 5 Deadlifts… 5 Min Clock, Practice/Max Effort Handstand Hold *Complete the following for time: 1 Mile Run + 20 Burpees Tier 2 3 x 5 Push Press 3 x 5 Deficit Deadlifts (stand on…
WOD July 15, 2014 (Tuesday)
Read More: WOD July 15, 2014 (Tuesday)What’s up everyone! Here’s the workout for tomorrow, Tuesday July 15, 2014: Tier 1 5 x 3 Hang Power Snatch 5 x 5 Sumo DL High Pull *As a team of 2, complete the following for time: – 50 Ring Rows (while partner hangs from bar) – 50 Back Squats (while partner holds the bottom…
WOD July 14, 2014 (Monday)
Read More: WOD July 14, 2014 (Monday)What’s up everybody! Here’s the workout for tomorrow, Monday July 14, 2014: Tier 1 3 Rep Max Bench Press EMOM – 10 Minutes… (even) 8-10 Knee Push Ups (odd) 8-10 Ab Mat Sit Ups *Karen – 150 Wall Balls (pick weight) Tier 2 3 Rep Max Bench Press EMOM – 10 Minutes (even) 10-12…
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CrossFit – Mon, Mar 17
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Back Squat (Establish a Heavy 1 Rep Max Back Squat Within 20 Mins) Remember to time your rest time and do not take more than 6-7 Set Attempts 1-time exercise (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 50 Feet DB Walking Lunges 10 DB Hang Power Cleans 50 Feet…
CrossFit – Sun, Mar 16
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Overhead Squat (Establish a Heavy Overhead Squat 2 Rep Within 15 Mins) LVL 2 Grenade Bomb (Time) 5 Rounds for Time 10 Shoulder to overhead 135/95 20 V-ups 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 20 Double Under
CrossFit – Sat, Mar 15
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 180112 Mod Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 medicine-ball cleans 60 double-unders Men: 20-lb. ball Women: 14-lb. ball You go, I go. One partner rests while the other works.