2020 In-House Competition


CrossFit One World – One World Barbell Club is proud to announce the 2020 CrossFit One World In-House Olympic Weightlifting Competition!

The Competition will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2020 and is open to ALL One World Members regardless of lifting ability. The goal is for our athletes to experience the physical and mental benefits of weightlifting:  core stability, lat strength, flexibility, sprinting speed, body awareness, explosive power, mobility, motor unit recruitment, mental focus, and the carryover to other sports.

New to Lifting? Competing for the first time? Don’t worry! Each Team will be lead by a well seasoned, competition experienced Lifting Coach.

Are you’re ready to win a medal, get some Lifting Competition experience, or just have some fun with your fellow One Worlders?! Register at the Front Desk by February 8, 2020.

Competition Details:
Divisions: Youth, Individual Male, Individual Female, Top Overall Team
Lifting Requirements: Sinclair Total will determine the top 3 in each Division
Dress Code: Singlet Optional.

Registration closes February 8, 2020. Contact Caoch Inder if you want to be added after the deadline or if there is a change to your competition status.

Competitors List finalized February 10, 2020
Team Rosters Posted on Facebook February 10, 2020

Lifting Schedule:
1. Weigh-in starts at 08:30 am
2. Warm up starts at 09:00 am
3. First Lifter starts at 10:00 am

Bring hydration, a light snack and your game face! Who’s hungry for a medal??!


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