2018 Barbell for Boobs Fundraiser

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October and One World will be hosting The Barbell for Boobs Fundraiser!

Date: October 6, 2018
Time: 9:00am
Location: One World Self-Defense and Fitness, CrossFit One World, One World Boot Camp, One World Barbell Club
33415 Western Avenue
Union City, California
(510) 324-8153


Today, Barbell for Boobs’ vision addresses this twofold need with a twofold solution. Their fundraising model not only fills the gap in the healthcare system for under served demographics, it also provides a tangible way for supporters to get involved and express their support and personal experiences.

We will create men’s T-shirts and women’s tank tops for this event. All proceeds will be donated. Please pre-order yours at the front desk.

Last day of order: 9/26

During this event we will be hosting a silent auction and raffle! Get ready to WOD in support of this great cause!


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