Month: August 2014
WOD October 3, 2014 (Friday)
Read More: WOD October 3, 2014 (Friday)Big Congrats to Herbie! 240Lb Bench Press! PR! Friday October 3 2014 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerkand then…Max Effort Strict Pull-ups (90 seconds)Max Effort Kipping Pull-ups (90 seconds)
WOD October 2, 2014 (Thursday)
Read More: WOD October 2, 2014 (Thursday)Congrats to Allen on a huge personal accomplishment! Today he completed a 1 Rep Max Deadlift at 500lbs. We are proud of you Allen, keep training hard! Here’s the workout for… Thursday October 2 2014 1Rep Max Bench Press and then… 1 Mile Run for time
WOD October 1, 2014 (Wednesday)
Read More: WOD October 1, 2014 (Wednesday)1 Rep Max Deadlift… Starting Monday September 29, we will take a few days to attempt and record our 1 Rep Max Lifts. I need EVERYONE to participate, it is very important that we know this information. Please use the whiteboard located on the first Olympic platform to record your daily lifts for the next…
WOD September 30, 2014 (Tuesday)
Read More: WOD September 30, 2014 (Tuesday)1 Rep Max Press… Starting Monday September 29, we will take a few days to attempt and record our 1 Rep Max Lifts. I need EVERYONE to participate, it is very important that we know this information. Please use the whiteboard located on the first Olympic platform to record your daily lifts for the next…
Battle on Sunset (September 27, 2014)
Read More: Battle on Sunset (September 27, 2014)By Chris R Hey One Worlders! I just registered for this local completion. It’s on September 27! Also, don’t forget that I’m also registered for the Summer Strength Challenge on September 13. It think it would great to have a handful of you sign up too. Here’s the info: Antioch CrossFit is excited to host our…
WOD September 29, 2014 (Monday)
Read More: WOD September 29, 2014 (Monday)1 Rep Max Back Squat… Starting Monday September 29, we will take a few days to attempt and record our 1 Rep Max Lifts. I need EVERYONE to participate, it is very important that we know this information. Please use the whiteboard located on the first Olympic platform to record your daily lifts for the…
Coach’s Message September 27, 2014 (Saturday)
Read More: Coach’s Message September 27, 2014 (Saturday)Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Happy Birthday, Coach Chris
Read More: Happy Birthday, Coach ChrisThe One World Boot Camp & Crossfit Family wish Coach Chris a Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, Chris -the Boot Camp 05:30AM CREW
WOD September 26, 2014 (Friday)
Read More: WOD September 26, 2014 (Friday)Warm Up: 6 Minutes of Max Double-Unders/Practice Shoulder, Hamstring and Hip Mobility Skill: 21-15-9 Toes to Bar Kettlebell Swings 6 Minute Cap – (70/53), (53/35), (44/26) rest/adjust weights, and then… WOD: 40 Deadlifts 30 Wallballs 20 Hang Power Cleans 10 Bar Muscle Ups *Please talk with your coach about a legitimate working weight. You will…
WOD September 25, 2014 (Thursday Rest Day)
Read More: WOD September 25, 2014 (Thursday Rest Day)Rest day… or complete the following for time: 25 Burpees 2500 Meter Row 25 Burpees 2500 Meter Run 25 Burpees
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