CrossFit One World – CrossFit



50 Wall Balls 14/20 ( Rx+ 20/30)

40 Cal Row

30 Lateral Burpees

20 Thruster 115/85 (Rx+ 135/105)

10 Chest To Bar (Rx+ Bar Muscle Ups)

5 Handstand Push Up

10 Chest To Bar

20 Thrusters

30 Lateral Burpees

40 Cal Row

50 Wall Balls

Time CAP 35 Mins
Sub 40 Cal Row for 800m Run

Sub 10 Chest to Bar with Pendlay Row

Sub Handstand Push Up with Pike Handstand or 15 Hand Release Push Ups

Reminder : Its Okay not to RX a workout. Have a good workout and enjoy them with your OW Family…Please Follow the Time CAP if you when over it. Its to heavy.


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