09072020 – Labor Day

CrossFit One World – OW Fit

Metcon (Time)

Black Mental Health Matters

2 Rounds for Time

25 Burpees over KB 35/53

20 KB Pistols

90 DU

50 Goblet Squats

58 KB Snatches
*Wod is from @iron.roots.athlete

*<2% of American psychological association members are Black or African American. Some may worry that mental health care practitioners are not culturally competent enough to treat their specific issues

*25 – Black and youth who are exposed to violence are at a greater risk for PRSD by over 25%

*20-According to the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Black Americans are 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the general population

*90-Nearly 90% of Black and African American people over the age of 12 with a substiance abuse disorder did not receive treatment (2018)

*50 & 58- In 2018 58.2% of Black and African American young adults 18-25 and 50.1% of adults 26-49 with serious mental illnesses did not receive treatment


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