CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Two Parts (with a Partner)

A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Part A: “The Break Up”

EMOM for As Long As Possible:

1st minute: 1 Push Press (125/85 lb) + 1 Burpee

2nd minute: 2 Push Presses (125/85 lb) + 2 Burpees

3rd minute: 3 Push Presses (125/85 lb) + 3 Burpees

For Part A, each minute on the minute (EMOM) both partners attempt the sequence of Push Press and Power Clean (“Death By” style), adding one rep per movement per minute…until one partner is unable to complete a round. Score is the lower of the two partners’ number of rounds and reps completed.

Cool Down


Complete part A together, rest exactly 10 minutes, then start Part B together. Score each part separately.

B: Metcon (Time)

Part B: “The Make Up”

6 Rounds (alternating*) for Time of:

5 Squat Cleans (125/85 lb)

10 Push Ups

200 meter Run

*One partner completes a round while the other performs a Max L-Sit, then rests.
For Part B, partners alternate rounds (eg. one does a round while other attempts a max duration L-sit then rest). Resting partner will have one attempt to max L-sit (for time) at any point during their rest period. L-sit can be done by placing both hands on 45# bumper plates and lifting both feet off the floor with straight legs. Cumulative L-sit time (for both partners – all six rounds) is deducted from the overall time of Part B to determine score.


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